4th - 6th Grade
Ready for a fun? One of our largest programs is Cloverleaf Project Achievement. Project Achievement is one of the largest, most exciting, challenging and rewarding programs offered by Georgia 4-H. 4-H’ers choose a project area of interest, research a topic, then write and present an oral presentation to others. For Cloverleaf 4-H’ers, students in grades 4-6, this process is about hands on learning, self confidence, and sharing knowledge. Our County Competition February 6th. Our workshop dates are October 24th, November 28th, December 12th and January 23rd, 3:30-5pm. Register here for our upcoming workshops: Cloverleaf Club
March 5th will be our Reward Party!
Cloverleaf Project Achievement - Grades 4-6 - Georgia4H
County Competition: February 6th
Location: Monroe County 4-H Office
**If you need transportation to the 4-H Office from school on any of these dates please indicate on the registration form and send a note to their teacher.