Junior (7th & 8th)
Club Meetings
Join us for our monthly 4-H County Council meeting.
Meetings are held at the Monroe County Extension
Office for grades 7th-12th, 3:30-5:00 pm.
To register for upcoming programs and events,
click on the flyers below.

Certified Teen Leader Training
Of the many opportunities in Georgia 4-H to develop leadership, one of the most positive experiences is the opportunity for older 4-H’ers to mentor younger 4-H’ers by serving as teen leaders in their county program and also at district and state events. Teen leaders have specific responsibilities and leadership roles. A good teen leader can be the lifeline of the county 4-H program and 4-H leaders. Seventh graders and up are invited to attend Certified Teen Leader Training. Participants will receive lunch, a magnetic name badge, and a teen leader manual.