UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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The DeKalb County Fresh on DeK (FOD) Mobile Farmers Market was established to serve DeKalb County citizens in the areas of nutrition and self-wellness. This is the 6th consecutive market season. Fresh on DeK Mobile Farmers Market targets communities without access to grocery stores within a one (1) mile radius. Fresh on DeK also provides an opportunity to learn healthy eating habits and make better decisions about the food that DeKalb County citizens consumes.


DeKalb County has the 4th highest case count of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the state of Georgia. As of October 4, DeKalb County has reported 19,180 cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and 372 deaths. According to the Atlanta Community Food Bank, DeKalb County has experienced a 40 percent increase in the number of people suffering from food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Fresh on DeK Mobile Farmer’s Market visits 9 different food desert locations around DeKalb County over the course of 16 weeks providing education and fresh produce to DeKalb residents. Due to social distancing and food-handling guidelines, Fresh on Dek provided fresh produce at no cost to various strategic drive-thru locations, including recreation centers, senior communities, public libraries, churches and Headstart centers. Residents received a range of pre- bagged produce including sweet potatoes, apples, oranges, corn, broccoli, plums and more. Fresh on DeK, moved all in-person educational teachings to online food demonstrations and digital healthy-living handouts. This was made possible with funding from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Board of Health and UGA Cooperative Extension


Throughout the 16-week 2020 farmers market season, Fresh on DeK Mobile Farmer’s Market provided fresh produce to about 4,319 residents. This equates to the distribution of approximately 51,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables at 9 community sites around DeKalb County. Fresh on DeK reached 10,181 residents with free produce, online educational opportunities and 16 digitally shared recipes. Fresh on DeK estimated $49,000- $51,000 of money saved for families, based on average produce prices. A participant said, “I was able to eat healthy and also how to prepare healthy eating.” Another participant commented, “I tried some veggies I’ve never tried before and found that I like them. Also, I had things that I wouldn’t have purchased due to expense.”

State Issue

Health & Wellness


  • Year: 2020
  • Geographic Scope: County
  • County: DeKalb
  • Location: College Station, Athens
  • Program Areas:
    • 4-H Youth
    • Agriculture & Natural Resources
    • Family and Consumer Sciences


  • Hawkins, Jamille Bryanna


CAES Collaborator(s)

  • Anderson, Leonard
  • Bembry, Joelette
  • Medrano, Jazmine Stephanie
  • Miller, James Franklin

Non-CAES Collaborator(s)

  • Edwards, Susan
  • Gilmore, Jamillah
  • Lockett, Gwendolyn
  • Malone, Christa
  • Williamson,Nia
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