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Story in Brief

Aquaponics, the combination of fish culture and plant hydroponic production, is a growing activity in Georgia. Technology for culture of fish species that are not as dependent on manufactured feed, aquaponics, and food safety is needed to move the aquaculture industry forward. Aquaculture farms have faced high feed costs and competition from imported commodities, so they are looking for local feed and markets to sustain or expand their operations. The UGA aquaculture specialist worked with small farmers and farmers wanting to change from poultry or row crops to aquaculture. Species of interest include catfish, sport fish, tilapia, freshwater prawns, trout, alligators, koi carp, and ornamental fish. There is a great desire to produce addition revenue from small land holdings, produce high quality and local food, and to control risk by diversifying products between fish and plants. UGA services were provided directly to fish culture operations that have annual sales of more than $7.5 million.