UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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Story in Brief

Georgia Cyber Academy serves 6,000 K-9th grade students in an online learning environment. The Academy asked if the UGA 4-H youth program could establish a virtual 4-H Club. This innovative partnership between Georgia 4-H and GCA will allow students who are not currently served by traditional in-school programming the opportunity to participate in 4-H and will also allow them to learn more about additional experiences offered through their local County 4-H program. GCA students have successfully elected one GCA Cloverleaf 4-H Officer and one GCA Junior 4-H Officer to provide youth leadership of the GCA 4-H Club. The parent organization of Georgia Cyber Academy, K12, is interested in a national partnership with 4-H and is currently using our work in Georgia as a model.