UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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Story in Brief

COVID-19 guidelines implemented on face-to-face programming have altered how UGA Extension in Houston County carries out urban agriculture programming. A request came in from the youth director at the Perry Library for virtual summer programming. The agents were already on the schedule to come and teach the pre-teen homeschool kids how to make a container fairy garden, so this became the subject of their first Gardening Basic video. Since then they have produced two demonstration videos for the Perry Library, one demonstration video for the Library at Warner Robins Air Force Base, and a Pollinator Activity Bag with video instructions for the Perry and Centerville Library. They handed out through local libraries 100 Pollinator Activity Bags for youth, and the video that went along with the activity bag has reached 286 people on the Houston County Extension Facebook Page. The videos have been posted on the Houston County Library Facebook Page as well as the Houston County Extension Facebook Page. These videos are family oriented for both child and parent to participate.