UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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Story in Brief

In mid-March 2020, Dublin City Schools and Laurens County Schools were closed because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Parents found themselves in the unusual situation of being both teacher and parent, as they struggled to do their daily jobs, educate their children, and keep them entertained while being forced to spend the majority of their time at home due to social distancing requirements. Beginning in April, the Laurens County Extension agent started sending out a daily educational update called Positive Parenting During COVID-19 via the Laurens County Extension Facebook page. These daily updates include basic parenting information, including tips for teaching children at home and the importance of getting enough sleep and having a schedule; Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities; pages across Georgia and beyond. As of June 30, the agent has created 50 of these daily updates and they have reached over 36,432 people in five states and 26 countries.

Read the full impact story