The fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) is a polyphagous caterpillar pest of ornamentals and trees in Georgia. “Polyphagous” means that it can feed on many types of food, and the fall webworm is known to feed on more than 600 species of plants, including row crops, herbaceous plants, shrubs, fruit, and ornamental trees in orchards, nurseries, and landscapes. Fall webworm larvae construct silk web nesting to facilitate feeding, to escape the attack of natural enemies, and for heat retention. The webbing is considered unsightly, and feeding on foliage inside the nest leads to extensive defoliation. The fall webworm can quickly reduce the aesthetic appeal of landscape trees and shrubs, and severe infestation can cause considerable damage to trees.
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Published on May 07, 2020