Note: All plants on the GA-EPPC invasive plant list have been removed that were included in the original version of this publication.
Landscape Plants for Georgia is an effort to compile a list of good plants organized into various sizes and groups. It does not list all available plant materials but rather brings together the best possible groupings according to the principles and requirements of good landscape design and plant maintenance. It is not possible to offer pictures of the plants. Many publications, books and web sites, however, have good plant pictures.
The design qualities of plants—their form, size, color and texture—are of major emphasis. Hardiness and disease and insect resistant qualities are also considered when selecting good landscape plants.
Note: In the list of plants below, an asterisk (*) denotes a native Georgia plant.
Definitions of Terms Used
- Class
- For identification, plants are divided into three major classes or groups: evergreen conifers, broad-leaved evergreens and deciduous plants.
- Conifer
- Most conifers are cone-bearing and have needle-like foliage. Examples are pine and cedar.
- Deciduous
- A deciduous plant sheds its foliage in the fall or winter. Flowering dogwood, maple and spirea are examples.
- Botanical Name
- This refers to the scientific name recognized the world over. Cornus florida is the botanical name of flowering dogwood. Botanical names are listed according to Index of Garden Plants by Mark Griffiths, 1994, Timber Press.
- Broad-leaved Evergreen
- This refers to broad-leaved plants that retain foliage the entire year. Examples are boxwood and camellia.
- Common Name
- Common plant names may vary from region to region. For this reason scientific names are included in this publication to establish the true identity of the plant.
- Texture
- Plant foliage is usually defined as being fine-, medium-, or coarse-textured, depending upon the size, density and arrangement of its leaves. Southern magnolia is an example of coarse foliage texture.
- Form
- Form refers to the shape or general outline of the plant. Boxwood has a rounded form. Pyracantha is irregular.
- Normal Georgia Height
- Due to environmental conditions, such as variations in soil, temperature, fertility and moisture, exact growing heights of plants cannot be established. "Normal Georgia Height" is a term used to designate average size after reasonable maturity. It is intended for use only as a guide.
- Specimen
- This is a plant with desirable form, foliage, fruit or flower that can be separated from other plants to emphasize its desirable characters.
- Georgia's Hardy Zones
- The plant hardiness zones used in this publication (see map) denote areas in the state where a plant has the best chance of survival and growth. The zones are based on the average minimum temperature the plant will tolerate. The numbers and letters in parentheses are the zone designations used in the reference publication. Source of this information is the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, Miscellaneous Publication No. 1475, Agricultural Research Service, 1990.
Plant Hardiness Zones for Georgia

Range of average annual minimum temperatures for each zone | |
Zone | Range in degrees F |
6b | -5 to 0 |
7a | 0 to 5 |
7b | 5 to 10 |
8a | 10 to 15 |
8b | 15 to 20 |

Vines have many uses in the landscape. They may be used to soften unattractive walls and fences or to create exciting shadow patterns on blank surfaces. Many are desirable because of their evergreen foliage. Some have attractive flowers and/or berries to brighten or accent a landscape feature or attract wildlife. Vines provide attractive screening and privacy when used on trellises and fences.
As a general rule, residential building lots are becoming smaller, and appropriate plant material must be selected if the valuable space is to be used to best advantage. This class of plants is very useful in small gardens where planting space is limited.
Antigonon leptopus / CORAL VINE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium to coarse
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Blooms in late summer with coral-pink flowers.
Bignonia capreolata / CROSS VINE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Growth Rate: fast
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Red, orange or yellow spring flowers.
Clematis armandii / ARMAND CLEMATIS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: coarse
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Large glossy leaves, fragrant white spring flowers.
Clematis x jackmanii / JACKMAN CLEMATIS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Large purple flowers.
Clematis terniflora / SWEETAUTUMN CLEMATIS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Fragrant white flowers in late summer.
x Fatshedra lizei / FATSHEDRA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: coarse
Growth Rate: medium slow
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Semi-climbing shrub or vine. Needs support.
Ficus pumila / CLIMBING FIG
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: fine
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Clings close to wall.
Gelsemium rankinii / SWAMP JESSAMINE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Growth Rate: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Yellow, trumpet flowers spring and fall.
Gelsemium sempervirens / CAROLINA YELLOW JESSAMINE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Growth Rate: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Yellow, trumpet-like flowers in spring. Hardy, one of our best vines.
Hedera canarienseis / ALGERIAN IVY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: coarse
Growth Rate: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Very coarse foliage. Sun or semi-shade.
Lonicera x heckrottii / GOLDFLAME HONEYSUCKLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Coral-red flowers in summer.
Lonicera sempervirens / TRUMPET HONEYSUCKLE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Red, orange to yellow spring flowers.
Parthenocissus quinquefolia / VIRGINIA CREEPER*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Large palmately compound leaves. Good red fall color. Can become invasive.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata / BOSTON IVY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Lustrous three lobed leaves with good red fall color.
Rosa banksiae 'Lutea' / LADY BANKSROSE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: fine
Growth Rate: fast
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Yellow double flowers.
Rosa species / CLIMBING ROSES
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine to medium
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Numerous varieties and colors. Subject to disease and insects.
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis / SWEETBOX
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Growth Rate: slow
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Bright green foliage for shady sites.
Smilax lanceolata / LANCELEAF GREENBRIER*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Growth Rate: fast
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Bright green foliage for cutting.
Trachelospermum asiaticum / ASIATIC JASMINE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: fine
Growth Rate: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Foliage similar to Vinca minor.
Trachelospermum jasminoides / STAR or CONFEDERATE JASMINE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Growth Rate: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Good foliage. White fragrant flowers in spring. Variegated form available.
Wisteria frutescens / AMERICAN WISTERIA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Lilac purple late spring flowers. More restrained than others.
* Denotes native Georgia plant.
Ground Covers

Ground covers are very versatile. In addition to sunny open locations, selected ground covers are especially useful on steep slopes and densely shaded areas where other plants are more difficult to establish and maintain. Many ground covers are excellent for preventing soil erosion; while others are helpful in carrying out design patterns. Evergreen ground covers are particularly useful in establishing both formal and informal designs in residential and public landscapes. Ground cover plants are usually more satisfactory in narrow planters than shrubs.
Ground cover usually ranges from a few inches to a foot or more in height. In the evergreen class, English ivy and common periwinkle have rich green foliage, making them particularly valuable in landscape design. Several of the recommended plants have attractive seasonal flowers. Certain ground covers may become invasive once they become established and require heavy maintenance to keep them in bounds. Ground covers are often cites as being low maintenance. However, they all require some maintenance such as weeding, pruning or fertilization to look their best.
Ajuga reptans / CARPET BUGLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: semi-shade
Texture: medium
Normal Georgia Height: 2-4"
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Needs good drainage. Blue or white flowers.
Ardisia japonica / JAPANESE ARDISIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Exposure: semi-shade
Texture: medium
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12"
Growth Rate: slow
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Excellent evergreen ground cover.
Aspidistra elatior / CAST IRON PLANT
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Exposure: shade
Texture: coarse
Normal Georgia Height: 18-24"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Drought tolerant, bold texture.
Dryopteris ludovichiana / SOUTHERN SHIELD FERN
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: shade
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 24-36"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Mass plantings, good green filler with fine texture.
Cyrtomiun falcatum / HOLLY FERN
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Exposure: semi-shade to shade
Texture: coarse
Normal Georgia Height: 1-2'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Dark green foliage.
Festuca ovina var. glauca / BLUE FESCUE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7a
Exposure: prefers some shade
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8"
Growth Rate: slow
Class: evergreen ornamental grass
Remarks: Best with irrigation.
Gardenia augusta 'Radicans' / CREEPING GARDENIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Exposure: sun to semi-shade
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 18-24"
Growth Rate: slow
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Small, white, fragrant flowers in summer.
Hedera canariensis / ALGERIAN IVY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Exposure: shade to sun
Texture: coarse
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8"
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Good ground cover.
Helleborus orientalis / LENTEN ROSE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6, 7
Exposure: semi-shade to shade
Texture: coarse
Normal Georgia Height: 12-15"
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: White to rose colored flowers in January and February.
Hemerocallis species / DAYLILY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun to semi-shade
Texture: medium
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: deciduous to evergreen
Remarks: Very hardy. Numerous flower colors.
Hypericum calycium / AARON'S BEARD ST. JOHNSWORT
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Exposure: sun to semi-shade
Texture: medium
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12"
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Yellow flowers in summer.
Iberis sempervirens / EVERGREEN CANDYTUFT
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Exposure: sun to semi-shade
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: White flowers in spring.
Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii / SARGENT JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 18-24"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Very hardy. Good winter color. Needs good drainage.
Juniperus conferta / SHORE JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 18-24"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Hardy to sandy shore.
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' / BLUE PACIFIC JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 10-12"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Blue-gray foliage. Short vertical stems.
Juniperus conferta 'Emerald Sea' / EMERALD SEA JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 10-12"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Bright green foliage. Compact.
Juniperus davurica 'Expansa' / PARSONS JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 18-24"
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Very hardy. Good winter color.
Juniperus horizontalis 'Plumosa Compacta' / ANDORRA COMPACTA JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 1-2'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Denser, more compact than Andorra.
Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' / BLUE RUG JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 4-6"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Hugs ground.
Juniperus procumbens / Japanese GARDEN JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 1-2'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Handsome in beds, terraces and slopes.
Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' / DWARF Japanese GARDEN JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8"
Growth Rate: very slow
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Only spreading juniper suitable for restricted spaces.
Ophiopogon japonicus / DWARF LILYTURF or MONDO GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Exposure: semi-shade to shade
Texture: medium
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Hardy, makes dense mat.
Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' / DWARF MONDO GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Exposure: semi-shade to shade
Texture: medium
Normal Georgia Height: 3"
Growth Rate: slow
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Dwarf form.
Pachysandra terminalis / PACHYSANDRA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7a
Exposure: shade
Texture: medium
Normal Georgia Height: 6-12"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Requires moist shade in heat.
Phlox subulata / MOSS PHLOX or THRIFT*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 4-8"
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Rose, white, lilac flowers.
Santolina chamaecyparissus / LAVENDER COTTON
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 1-2'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Good for hot, dry sites. Gray foliage, yellow-orange flowers.
Santolina virens / GREEN LAVENDER COTTON
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 1-2'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Good for hot, dry sites. Green foliage, orange flowers.
Saxifraga stolonifera / STRAWBERRY GERANIUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Exposure: shade
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 4-6"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: White flowers in summer.
Trachelospermum asiaticum / ASIATIC JASMINE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Exposure: sun to semi-shade
Texture: fine
Normal Georgia Height: 4-6"
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Excellent ground cover.
Yucca filamentosa / ADAM'S NEEDLE or BEARGRASS*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Exposure: sun
Texture: coarse
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: evergreen
Remarks: White flower spikes in summer.
Zamia integrifolia / COONTIE PALM*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Exposure: sun to shade
Texture: coarse
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: evergreen cycad
Remarks: Accent plant, native ground cover.
* Denotes native Georgia plant.
** Can be grown in full sun in north Georgia with proper care. Should have partial shade or irrigation in south Georgia.
Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses, long popular in certain European countries, are experiencing a rise in popularity among the southern gardeners. Grasses adapted to landscape plantings fall primarily into two categories: 1) the perennial grasses which with just a few exceptions, are large-growing, clump-type grasses; and 2) the annual grasses, utilized most often accents or drifts in the herbaceous border.
All of the grasses listed in this section are perennials except for two of the fountain grasses which are annuals. Except for the Blue Fescue (Festuca ovina glauca), a ground cover, all of the ornamental grasses are listed in this section.
Pampas grass is the most widely recognized ornamental grass. Pampas and the other selections in the ornamental group are used as specimen or accent plants, for contrast in shrub borders or herbaceous borders and for informal mass plantings.
All grasses die back to the ground in winter; consequently, all will need to be cut back to the ground before new growth emerges in spring. Despite this limitation, the taller-growing plants in this group make excellent seasonal screens and informal hedges. If properly handled, the flower or panicle portion of several selections make excellent material for dried arrangements.
Chasmanthium latifolium / UPLAND SEA OATS*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Height: 30-36"
Spread: 18-24"
Panicle Length: 8"
Exposure: sun to light shade
Landscape Remarks: Very attractive seed heads. Can become invasive.
Cultural Remarks: Will tolerate wet feet. Self sows. Shade for Zone 8.
Cortaderia selloana / PAMPAS GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: fine to medium
Height: 7-8'
Spread: 5-6'
Panicle Length: 20"
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: Male and female plants. Female has fuller plumes.
Cultural Remarks: Most drought tolerant.
Cortaderia selloana 'Nana' / DWARF PAMPAS GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Height: 3'
Spread: 3.5-4'
Panicle Length: 2'
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: White female plumes.
Cultural Remarks: Very cold hardy.
Elymus glaucus / BLUE WILD RYE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Height: 4-5'
Spread: 3-4'
Panicle Length: 10"
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: Bluish-gray foliage.
Cultural Remarks: Spreads slowly by rhizomes.
Panicum virgatum 'Prairie Sky' / PRAIRIE SKY SWITCH GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Height: 4-5'
Spread: 3'
Panicle Length: 12"
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: Outstanding blue foliage on arching plant.
Cultural Remarks: Golden fall foliage.
Pennisetum alopecuroides / DWARF FOUNTAIN GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Height: 24-30"
Spread: 2'
Panicle Length: 3"
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: Plumes less showy than annual species.
Cultural Remarks: Good companion for perennials.
Pennisetum setaceum / FOUNTAIN GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: an annual
Texture: fine
Height: 4-4.5'
Spread: 4'
Panicle Length: 12"
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: Rose colored foliage and panicles.
Cultural Remarks: Must replant every year.
Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' / CRIMSON FOUNTAIN GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: an annual
Texture: fine
Height: 4-4.5'
Spread: 4'
Panicle Length: 12"
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: Crimson or burgundy foliage and panicles.
Cultural Remarks: Must replant every year.
Pennisetum villosum / FEATHERTOP GRASS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: fine
Height: 2-3'
Spread: 2'
Panicle Length: 3"
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: Showy creamy panicles.
Cultural Remarks: Even with dead heading, blooms once per year.
Saccharum ravennae / RAVENNA GRASS (HARDY PAMPAS)
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to coarse
Height: 8-9'
Spread: 3-4'
Panicle Length: 20"
Exposure: sun
Landscape Remarks: Robust plant.
Cultural Remarks: Clump forming. Divide every 3-4 years.
++ All Miscanthus have a very prominent white midrib.
* Denotes native Georgia plant throughout this table.
Symbolic Forms of Shrubs

Small Shrubs: 1 to 5 Feet

Contemporary homes seldom have any discernible foundation, consequently fewer tall-growing shrubs are needed. More of the plants selected for the base of this type of residence should come from these small shrubs. Small shrubs are also very useful in guarding against overcrowding and overgrowth. Many plants in this size range are also desirable for their mass foliage and/or flowering effects. In addition, they are valuable in small lots where ground space is at a premium.
The 1- to 2-foot size shrubs are particularly well suited for raised planters. The smaller, compact growing species are often used to stabilize design lines in formal gardens and for edging walks and plant beds.
Plants in the upper range of this class that reach 4 or 5 feet in height form an effective background for perennials and annuals.
Abelia x 'Edward Goucher' / EDWARD GOUCHER ABELIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: irregular to oval
Normal Georgia Height: 4-5'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Lilac-pink flowers.
Abelia x grandiflora 'Sherwoodii' / SHERWOOD DWARF ABELIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: irregular to spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: White flowers
Aucuba japonica 'Nana' / DWARF AUCUBA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: oval
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: shade, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Attractive foliage and berries.
Buxus microphylla var. japonica / JAPANESE BOXWOOD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Good color and easy to maintain.
Buxus microphylla var. koreana / KOREAN BOXWOOD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Very hardy, useful for low hedges.
Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa' / TRUE DWARF BOXWOOD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 2-4'
Growth Rate: very slow
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Will grow large with age.
Camellia hiemalis / DWARF SASANQUA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: medium
Form: spreading compact
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: very slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Foliage very similar to Sasanqua.
- Shi Shi Gashira (Beni-Kan-Tsubaki)
- Flower: Red
- Flower Form: Double-formal to rose form
- Remarks: More compact.
- Showa-No-Sakae (Usubeni)
- Flower: Soft pink
- Flower Form: Semi-double to double rose form
- Remarks: Suitable for espaliering
Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea / JAPANESE PLUM YEW
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to fine
Form: spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Vase-shaped. Shade in Zone 8.
Cephlotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata' / UPRIGHT PLUM YEW
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to fine
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: conifer
Remarks: Accent for restricted spaces. Shade in Zone 8.
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata' / SPREADING PLUM YEW
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to fine
Form: spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 2-4"
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Prostrate in habit. Shade in Zone 8.
Chaenomeles japonica / JAPANESE FLOWERING QUINCE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Normal Georgia Height: 30-36"
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Orange or scarlet red flowers in spring.
Chamaerops humilis / EUROPEAN FAN PALM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Texture: coarse
Form: upright-clumping
Normal Georgia Height: 2-4'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: evergreen palm
Remarks: Multi-trunk due to suckers.
Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' / HUMMINGBIRD SUMMERSWEET*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Form: upright spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White fragrant flowers in mid summer.
Cotoneaster dammeri / BEARBERRY COTONEASTER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Form: spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 12-18"
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Some cultivars reach 4' tall. Susceptible to mites.
Cotoneaster horizontalis / ROCKSPRAY COTONEASTER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Form: spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Fish-bone branching pattern. Susceptible to mites.
Daphne odora / WINTER DAPHNE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine to medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Flowers in winter. Temperamental plant.
Deutzia gracilis / SLENDER DEUTZIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium to fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Very hardy with pale green foliage.
Fothergilla gardenii 'Mt. Airy' / MT. AIRY FOTHERGILLA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 4-5'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Abundant white spring flowers, great fall color.
Gardenia augusta 'Radicans' / CREEPING GARDENIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: fine
Form: spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 18-24"
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Fragrant white flowers.
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' / ANNABELLE HYDRANGEA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Large heads of white flowers in early summer.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia' / PIA FRENCH HYDRANGEA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: A true dwarf with heavy flowering.
Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' / DWARF YAUPON HOLLY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Hardy tough shrub. New growth green.
Ilex vomitoria 'Schillings' / SCHILLINGS DWARF YAUPON*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded to spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: New growth is red.
Ilex vomitoria Bordeaux™ / BORDEAUX DWARF YAUPON*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: New growth on branch tips is red.
Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' / HENRY'S GARNET SWEETSPIRE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Great fall color, tolerates moist sites.
Jasminum floridum / SHOWY JASMINE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: weeping
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Yellow flowers in spring.
Jasminum nudiflorum / WINTER JASMINE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: weeping
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow flowers late winter. Tenacious shrub.
Juniperus species / SPREADING JUNIPERS
Leucothoe axillaris / COASTAL LEUCOTHOE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: weeping to irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Good drainage on moist locations required.
Leucothoe fontanesiana / DROOPING LEUCOTHOE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: weeping to irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Naturalistic or small gardens with good drainage on moist sites.
Mahonia fortunei / CHINESE MAHONIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Graceful evergreen in well drained sites.
Nandina domestica 'Firepower' / FIREPOWER DWARF NANDINA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine to medium
Form: fine to medium
Normal Georgia Height: 1-2'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Red fall color. Mass plantings.
Nandina domestica 'Harbour Dwarf' / HARBOUR DWARF NANDINA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Spreads by rhizomes.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Rotundifolius' / LITTLE LEAF TEA OLIVE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 4-5'
Growth Rate: very slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen for restricted spaces.
Pinus mugo var. mugo / MUGO PINE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Use grafted plants only for dwarf form.
Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeler's Dwarf' / WHEELER DWARF PITTOSPORUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Mass plantings or low borders.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken' / OTTO LUYKEN LAUREL
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Mass plantings.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Schipkaensis' / SCHIP LAUREL
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 4-5'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Naturalistic or mass.
Punica granatum var. nana / DWARF POMEGRANATE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: fine
Form: upright-irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Red-orange flowers and fruits.
Rhaphiolepis species / INDIAN HAWTHORNS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: medium
Form: spreading to rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 2-5'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Glossy foliage, white or pink flowers. Questionable hardiness in Zone 7.
- 'Clara'
- Flower: White
- Height: 3-4'
- 'Eleanor Taber'
- Flower: Pink
- 'Georgia Charm'
- Flower: White
- Height: 3-4'
- 'Georgia Petite'
- Flower: Light pink
- Height: 2-3'
- 'Olivia'
- Flower: White
- Height: 4-5'
- 'Snow White'
- Flower: White
- Height: 2-3'
Rhododendron species / GLEN DALE HYBRID AZALEAS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: upright-spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Mass flowering effects.
- Cultivars include several hundred that offer great range in color and blooming season.
Rhododendron species / GUMPO AZALEAS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 10-12"
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Late season, large, white or pink flowers.
Rhododendron species / KURUME AZALEAS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Mass flowering effects.
- 'Christmas Cheer'
- Flower: Brilliant red
- 'Coral Bells'
- Flower: Shell pink
- 'Flame'
- Flower: Orange red
- 'Hershey Red'
- Flower: Bright red
- 'Hexe'
- Flower: Red
- 'Hino Crimson'
- Flower: Red
- 'Hinodegiri'
- Flower: Vivid Red
- 'Mothers Day'
- Flower: Red
- 'Pink Pearl'
- Flower: Salmon rose
- 'Salmon Beauty'
- Flower: Salmon pink
Rhododendron species / GIRARD HYBRID AZALEAS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: rounded to spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 3-5'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Cold hardy and striking flower color.
Rosa (Floribunda) / FLORIBUNDA ROSE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 2-4'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Mass flowering effects.
Rosmarinus officinalis / ROSEMARY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Grayish foliage. Requires well drained soils.
Ruscus aculeatus / BUTCHER'S BROOM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 2-3'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen accent in low border.
Santolina species / LAVENDER COTTON
Spiraea thunbergii / THUNBERG SPIREA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 3-4'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Masses, borders.
* Denotes native Georgia plant.
Medium Shrubs: 5 to 8 Feet

Shrubs in this size range are most useful for hedges, screening and backgrounds, for large scale foundation plantings and large mass plantings. Some species have enough good qualities to serve as specimen plants.
A number of the better flowering and berry-producing shrubs fall within this medium size range. When planted in groups, some these flowering shrubs are particularly useful for seasonal highlights.
Many plants are grown for foliage rather than for flowers. Variations in foliage color range from glossy green to light gray. Be mindful that plants having variegated leaves are somewhat difficult to harmonize with other plants.
Abelia x grandiflora / GLOSSY ABELIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine to medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-6'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Hedge plant.
Aucuba japonica / JAPANESE AUCUBA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Green and variegated foliage.
Berberis julianae / WINTERGREEN BARBERRY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Normal Georgia Height: 5-6'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Rich green foliage, thorns.
Buddleia davidii / BUTTERFLY BUSH
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine to medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Fragrant summer flowers attract butterflies.
Buxus sempervirens / COMMON BOXWOOD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine to medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Useful in formal paintings.
Callistemon citrinus / CRIMSON BOTTLEBRUSH
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Texture: fine
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Flowers very showy.
Calycanthus floridus / SWEET SHRUB*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-6'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Fragrant flowers.
Chaenomeles speciosa / FLOWERING QUINCE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White, pink to red flowers.
Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice' / RUBY SPICE SUMMERSWEET
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 4-8'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Pink fragrant flowers, moist soils.
Cycas revoluta / SAGO PALM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: fine
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 4-6'
Growth Rate: very slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: evergreen cycad
Remarks: Single or multi-trunk specimens.
Fatsia japonica / JAPANESE FATSIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 4-8'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen. Zone 7 with protection.
Forsythia x intermedia / BORDER FORSYTHIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: fast
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow spring flowers.
Gardenia jasminoides / CAPE JASMINE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 4-6'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Fragrant white flowers.
Hydrangea macrophylla / FRENCH HYDRANGEA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 4-6'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Red, pink, blue and white flowering types.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' / PEE GEE HYDRANGEA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Flowers open white, turn pink, then bronze.
Ilex cornuta 'Dwarf Burford' / DWARF BURFORD HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Foundations. Glossy foliage.
Ilex crenata 'Hetzii' / HETZ HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Dark green foliage.
Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' / SKY PENCIL HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Narrow and strongly upright.
Ilex glabra 'Nigra' / NIGRA INKBERRY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-6'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Borders, naturalistic areas and wet sites.
Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzeriana' / PFITZER JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 5-6'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Mass planting sunny slopes.
Kalmia latifolia / MOUNTAIN LAUREL*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Naturalistic gardens.
Lagerstroemia x 'Tonto' / TONTO CRAPEMYRTLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 6-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Red flowering specimen or border shrub.
Lagerstroemia indica 'Victor' / VICTOR CRAPEMYRTLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 4-6'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Compact form with dark red flowers in July.
Lonicera nitida / BOX LEAF HONEYSUCKLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine to medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-6'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Attractive foliage.
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'Ruby' / RUBY FRINGE FLOWER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Bright pink and spring bloom. New leaves ruby red.
Myrica cerifera 'Fairfax' / FAIRFAX WAXMYRTLE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Compact form with good foliage.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Gulftide' / GULFTIDE TEA-OLIVE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen or hedge.
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus' / VARIEGATED FALSE HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Leaf margins creamy white.
Philadelphus x 'Natchez' / NATCHEZ MOCKORANGE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Large white flowers.
Pieris japonica / JAPANESE PIERIS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 5-6'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Naturalistic. Sun possible in mountains.
Pyracantha koidzumii 'Low-Dense' / LOW-DENSE PYRACANTHA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Berries hidden by foliage.
Rhaphiolepis umbellata / YEDDO HAWTHORN
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: upright to rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Nice texture and dark green foliage with spring flowers.
Rhododendron arborescens / SWEET AZALEA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: upright to irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Fragrant white to pink flowers.
Rhododendron austrinum / FLORIDA AZALEA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright to irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Fragrant yellow cream to orange flowers.
Rhododendron calendulaceum / FLAME AZALEA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: upright to rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Flowers yellow to orange and scarlet.
Rhododendron simsii / SOUTHERN INDIAN AZALEA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded to irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Mass plantings, borders.
- 'Elegans'
- Flower: Pink
- 'Fielders White'
- Flower: White
- 'Fisher Pink'
- Flower: Light pink
- 'Formosa'
- Flower: Purple
- 'George Lindsey Tabor'
- Flower: Light pink effect
- 'G. G. Gerbing'
- Flower: White
- 'Iveryana'
- Flower: White to rose
- 'Judge Solomon'
- Flower: Pink
- 'Lawsal'
- Flower: Salmon pink
- 'President Clay'
- Flower: Red
- 'Pride of Mobile'
- Flower: Deep rose pink
- 'Southern Charm'
- Flower: Pink
Spiraea x vanhouttei / VANHOUTTE SPIREA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Arching branches of mass white flowers.
Trachycarpus fortunei / CHINESE or FORTUNES WINDMILL PALM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: very slow
Exposure: sun
Class: evergreen palm
Remarks: Specimen. Slender trunk with fibrous cover.
Viburnum x burkwoodi / BURKWOOD VIBURNUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Fragrant white spring flowers.
Viburnum suspensum / SANDANKWA VIBURNUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Mass plantings. Borders.
Weigela florida / WEIGELA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 5-8'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Borders for spring flowers.
Yucca gloriosa / MOUND-LILY YUCCA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 6-8'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Pale green spine tipped foliage.
* Denotes native Georgia plant.
Large Shrubs: 8 Feet and Up

There are many excellent plants in the large shrub class which are particularly useful as heavy screening and hedging or as specimens because of their outstanding foliage, flower or fruit. Plants in this category have limited use as foundation plants because of their ultimate size.
Because of the ultimate size of several plants in this group, they are also listed in the "small trees" section that follows. Many times the actual use or pruning of a landscape plant determines whether it is classified as a large shrub or a small tree.
These plant adapt well for use in parks, public grounds and other large-scale landscape developments, but use them with caution in the restricted spaces of small landscapes.
Acca sellowiana (Feijoa sellowiana) / PINEAPPLE GUAVA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Grayish foliage. Hedges and borders.
Aesculus parviflora / BOTTLEBRUSH BUCKEYE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen, naturalistic settings.
Agarista populifolia* / FLORIDA LEUCOTHOE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Naturalistic settings.
Camellia japonica / JAPANESE CAMELLIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: rounded to oval
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen.
Cultivars that produce cold hardy flower buds
- 'Adolphe Audusson Var.'
- Flower Color: Variegated
- 'Are-jishi'
- Flower Color: Red
- 'Bernice Boddy'
- Flower Color: Pink
- 'Daikagura'
- Flower Color: Red
- 'Daikagura Var.'
- Flower Color: Variegated
- 'Donckelari'
- Flower Color: Variegated
- 'Dr. Tinsley'
- Flower Color: Pink
- 'Firebrand'
- Flower Color: Red
- 'Flame'
- Flower Color: Red
- 'Gov. Mouton'
- Flower Color: Red
- 'Gulio Nuccio'
- Flower Color: Red
- 'Gulio Nuccio Var.'
- Flower Color: Variegated
- 'High Hat'
- Flower Color: Pink
- 'Kumasaka'
- Flower Color: Pink
- 'Lady Clare'
- Flower Color: Pink
- 'Magnoliaeflora'
- Flower Color: Pink
- 'Rev. John G. Drayton'
- Flower Color: Pink
- 'Tricolor'
- Flower Color: Variegated
- 'Ville de Nantes'
- Flower Color: Variegated
- 'White Daikagura'
- Flower Color: White
- 'White Empress'
- Flower Color: White
Camellia sasanqua / SASANQUA CAMELLIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: irregular to upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Good foliage and flowers. Hedges, borders.
- 'Bettie Patricia'
- Flower Color: Light pink
- Flower Form: Rose form, double
- Plant Form: Upright to spreading
- 'Bonanza'
- Flower Color: Deep red
- Flower Form: Semi-peony
- Plant Form: Compact form
- 'Cleopatra'
- Flower Color: Rose pink
- Flower Form: Semi-double
- Plant Form: Compact to spreading
- 'Cotton Candy'
- Flower Color: Pink
- Flower Form: Semi-double, large
- Plant Form: Loose, upright to spreading
- 'Jean May'
- Flower Color: Shell pink
- Flower Form: Semi-double to double, large
- Plant Form: Upright to spreading
- 'Mine-No-Yuki'
- Flower Color: White
- Flower Form: Double, large
- Plant Form: Irregular to spreading
- 'Pink Snow'
- Flower Color: Light pink
- Flower Form: Semi-double, large
- Plant Form: Irregular young, Compact older upright
- 'Setsugekka'
- Flower Color: White
- Flower Form: Semi-double, large ruffled petals
- Plant Form: Upright
- 'Sparkling Burgundy'
- Flower Color: Ruby rose
- Flower Form: Peony form, large
- Plant Form: Irregular to spreading
- 'Yuletide'
- Flower Color: Red
- Flower Form: Single
- Plant Form: Upright
Camellia vernalis / VERNAL CAMELLIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: 'Dawn' blooms September-March.
Chimonanthus praecox / WINTERSWEET
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Fragrant January flowers.
Hamamelis x intermedia / HYBRID WITCH HAZEL
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: upright spreading
Normal Georgia Height: 12-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Red to yellow, winter to spring flowering.
Hamamelis virginiana / COMMON WITCH HAZEL*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 12-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Naturalistic sites.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva' / TARDIVA HYDRANGEA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Showy white flowers in late summer.
Hydrangea quercifolia / OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Naturalistic. Large white flowers, wine red fall color.
Ilex x 'Mary Nell' / MARY NELL HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright pyramid
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: sun, semi-shade broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Glossy foliage with bright red fruits.
Ilex x 'Emily Bruner' / EMILY BRUNER HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: pyramidal
Normal Georgia Height: 12-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Dark foliage with large red berries.
Ilex x 'Nellie R. Stevens' / NELLIE R. STEVENS HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 10-20'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Dark foliage with large red berries.
Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri' / FOSTER'S HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright pyramid
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen or hedges with red berries.
Ilex cassine / DAHOON HOLLY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Hedges, borders.
Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii' / BURFORD HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: coarse
Form: oval
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen or hedges with heavy red fruit.
Ilex cornuta 'Anicet Delcambre' / NEEDLE POINT HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Excellent for screens and hedges.
Ilex latifolia / LUSTERLEAF HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: coarse
Form: upright pyramidal
Normal Georgia Height: 10-20'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen or espalier with bold foliage.
Ilex myrtifolia / MYRTLE HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 10-12'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Naturalistic. Berries red, orange or yellow.
Ilex vomitoria / YAUPON HOLLY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Hedges, borders. Clipped effects.
Illicium parviflorum / SMALL ANISE-TREE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Light green fragrant foliage.
Illicium floridanum / FLORIDA ANISE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Naturalistic.
Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' / HOLLYWOOD JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: upright irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Specimen.
Juniperus chinensis 'Robusta Green' / ROBUSTA GREEN JUNIPER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: upright irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Specimen.
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum / PINK CHINESE FRINGE FLOWER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: irregular, rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Bright pink spring flowers.
Michelia figo / BANANA SHRUB
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: fine to medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 10-12'
Growth Rate: slow
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Fragrant flowers.
Myrica cerifera / SOUTHERN WAXMYRTLE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 15-20'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Borders, hedges and screens.
Nerium oleander/ OLEANDER
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Red, white and pink summer flowers. Poisonous plant.
Osmanthus americanus / DEVILWOOD OSMANTHUS*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Borders, naturalistic sites.
Osmanthus x fortunei / FORTUNE'S OSMANTHUS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Tough border or specimen plant.
Osmanthus fragrans / SWEET OSMANTHUS or TEA OLIVE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Fragrant, specimen.
Osmanthus heterophyllus / HOLLY OSMANTHUS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Foundations, hedges, borders.
Pittosporum tobira / TOBIRA PITTOSPORUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Glossy, green foliage.
Podocarpus macrophyllus / SOUTHERN YEW, CHINESE PODOCARPUS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Foundations, hedges or borders.
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' / CHINESE PODOCARPUS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Smaller leaves.
Punica granatum / POMEGRANATE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: fine to medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen. Orange flowers.
Pyracantha koidzumii / FORMOSA FIRETHORN
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 10-12'
Growth Rate: fast
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Large red berries.
Pyracantha x 'Mohave' / MOHAVE FIRETHORN
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: fast
Exposure: sun
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Masses of orange red fruit.
Rhododendron canescens / PIEDMONT AZALEA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright to irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White, pink to rose flowers.
Rhododendron prunifolium / PLUMLEAF AZALEA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright to rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Flowers orange red in July and August.
Rhododendron maximum / ROSEBAY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen.
Rhododendron (Hybrids) / HYBRID RHODODENDRONS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: oval to rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade, shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Require excellent drainage. Use H-1 and H-2 hybrids.
Syringa vulgaris / COMMON LILAC
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7a
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Fragrant, lilac flowers.
Ternstroemia gymnanthera (Cleyera japonica) / JAPANASE CLEYERA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7b, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Glossy foliage.
Viburnum awabuki / AWABUKI VIBURNUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Lustrous dark green foliage.
Viburnum odoratissimum / SWEET VIBURNUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 10-15'
Growth Rate: fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Borders, hedges.
Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' / EUROPEAN SNOWBALL VIBURNUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Borders. "Snowball" flower clusters.
Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum / DOUBLEFILE VIBURNUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Normal Georgia Height: 8-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Abundant snow white spring blooms.
Viburnum x rhytidophyllum / LEATHERLEAF VIBURNUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Dark green foliage. Borders.
Viburnum tinus / LAURUSTINUS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Borders, screening.
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Red fruit in fall.
Yucca aloifolia / SPANISH DAGGER*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Normal Georgia Height: 8-12'
Growth Rate: medium
Exposure: sun, semi-shade
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Hardy. White flowers.
* Denotes native Georgia plant.
Symbolic Forms of Trees

Small Trees: 10 to 40 feet

Small trees are important plants in a landscape since, with a minimum of maintenance, they provide outstanding foliage, flowers and fruits for gardens and public areas. Trees with interesting branching habits are often used as accents in the landscape. Some small evergreen trees provide good year round foliage. Some deciduous trees in this group provide good fall color.
Small trees have a place in landscape plans for small lots and houses. They provide proper scale for small areas where often one tree would serve more adequately than several shrubs. Several trees in this size group are good for high backgrounds and screening, providing a taller barrier than shrubs.
Acer buergerianum / TRIDENT MAPLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 20-35'
Spread: 15-25'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen or naturalistic sites. Tough tree for urban sites.
Acer palmatum / JAPANESE MAPLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine to medium
Form: horizontal branching
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimens with red or green foliage.
Amelanchier arborea / SERVICEBERRY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Borders. White flowers in early spring.
Butia capitata / PINDO PALM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: weeping
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen palm
Remarks: Specimen.
Carpinus caroliniana / AMERICAN HORNBEAM*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: irregular
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Tough, urban tolerant tree. Wet site tolerant.
Cedrus deodara / DEODAR CEDAR
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: pyramidal
Height: 30-50'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Specimen, screening.
Cercis canadensis / EASTERN REDBUD*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 18-20'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Spring flowering.
Cercis chinensis / CHINESE REDBUD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 10-12'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Small spring flowering tree.
Cercis reniformis 'Oklahoma' / OKLAHOMA REDBUD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: spreading
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Glossy foliage with rosy red spring flowers.
Chionanthus retusus / CHINESE FRINGE TREE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: spreading
Height: 15-25'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Bright white spring flowers.
Chionanthus virginicus / WHITE FRINGE TREE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: irregular
Height: 12-20'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White spring flowers.
Cladrastis kentukea / AMERICAN YELLOWWOOD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: coarse
Form: oval
Height: 25-30'
Spread: 10-12'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White flowers and yellow fall color. Specimen.
Cornus florida / FLOWERING DOGWOOD*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: horizontal branching
Height: 15-25'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen or masses.
Cornus kousa / KOUSA DOGWOOD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: horizontal branching
Height: 15-25'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen or small grove.
Crataegus phaenopyrum / WASHINGTON HAWTHORNE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: upright to rounded
Height: 25-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Red berries in fall.
Eriobotrya japonica / LOQUAT
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Height: 10-20'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth medium to fast
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Dark green foliage with bold features.
Halesia tetraptera / SILVERBELL*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 8a
Texture: medium
Form: spreading
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White flowers.
Ilex x 'Nellie R. Stevens' / NELLIE R. STEVENS HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: upright
Height: 10-20'
Spread: 8-10'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen, screening.
Ilex x attenuata / HYBRID HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: upright pyramidal
Height: 10-40'
Spread: 6-15'
Growth: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen, screening. Red berries.
- 'East Palatka'
- Remarks: Leaves single spined.
- 'Fosteri'
- Remarks: Very pyramidal and dense.
- 'Savannah'
- Remarks: Light green foliage.
Ilex cassine / CASSINE HOLLY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: pyramidal
Height: 10-20'
Spread: 8-10'
Growth: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Screening.
Ilex opaca / AMERICAN HOLLY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: pyramidal
Height: 20-50'
Spread: 15-30'
Growth: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Dark green foliage. Specimen, screening.
Ilex opaca 'Greenleaf' / GREENLEAF HOLLY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: pyramidal upright
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Compact habit of growth.
Ilex vomitoria / YAUPON HOLLY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: irregular
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 8-10'
Growth: fast
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Screening with bright red fruit.
Ilex vomitoria 'Pendula' / WEEPING YAUPON HOLLY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: fine
Form: weeping
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 8-10'
Growth: medium to fast
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Distinctive weeping habit.
Juniperus virginiana / RED CEDAR*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: pyramidal
Height: 25-40'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: slow
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Screen.
Koelreuteria bipinnata / CHINESE FLAMETREE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow flowers followed by pink pods.
Koelreuteria paniculata / GOLDENRAIN TREE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 8a
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow flowers in early summer.
Lagerstroemia indica / COMMON CRAPEMYRTLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: upright
Height: 6-30'
Spread: 4-15'
Growth: medium to fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White, pink, lavender or red flowers. Powdery mildew and aphids may become a problem.
Lagerstroemia indica x L. fauriei / HYBRID CRAPEMYRTLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: upright
Height: 15-30'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White, pink, lavender or red flowers. Hybrids have mildew resistance and bloom longer.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' / LITTLE GEM SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 8-10'
Growth: medium
Class: evergreen
Remarks: Dark green evergreen foliage on compact plant.
Magnolia soulangiana / JAPANESE MAGNOLIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Pink saucer-like blooms.
Magnolia stellata / STAR MAGNOLIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Height: 12-20'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth: slow to medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White flowers.
Magnolia virginiana / SWEETBAY MAGNOLIA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 10-20'
Growth: slow
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: White flowers in summer.
Malus x 'Dolgo' / DOLGO CRABAPPLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: White flowers followed by red to purple fruits. Disease resistant.
Malus floribunda / JAPANESE CRABAPPLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Pinkish-red flowers fading to white. Fruit yellow, red. Mostly disease resistant.
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Pink buds, white flowers. Large 1" reddish fruit. Disease resistant.
Oxydendrum arboreum / SOURWOOD*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: upright
Height: 25-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Red fall color.
Parkinsonia aculeata / JERUSALEM THORN
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Texture: fine
Form: spreading
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 20-25'
Growth: rapid
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow flowers in spring and summer.
Phoenix canariensis / CANARY DATE PALM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 12-18'
Growth: medium
Class: evergreen palm
Remarks: Used as accent specimen.
Pinus virginiana / VIRGINIA PINE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: pyramidal
Height: 20-40'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Good for screening.
Pistacia chinensis / CHINESE PISTACHE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow to bright orange-red fall color. Hardy and heat tolerant
Prunus x 'Okame' / OKAME CHERRY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Early spring rosy pink blooms.
Prunus caroliniana / CAROLINA CHERRYLAUREL*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: fast
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Susceptible to ice damage.
Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud' / PURPLELEAF PLUM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Purplish foliage.
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: irregular
Height: 15-20'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth: slow
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Blooms very early in spring.
Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan' / KWANZAN CHERRY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Deep pink double blooms.
Prunus subhirtella var. autumnalis / FALL BLOOMING CHERRY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: spreading
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 15-25'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen.
Prunus x yedoensis / YOSHINO CHERRY
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 8a
Texture: medium
Form: weeping
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen.
Quercus myrsinifolia / CHINESE EVERGREEN OAK
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth: slow
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Screen, specimen or small street tree.
Salix babylonica / WEEPING WILLOW
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: weeping
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 25-35'
Growth: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen.
Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa' / CONTORTED WILLOW
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: weeping
Height: 20-30'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth: medium to fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Short-lived.
Sabal palmetto / CABBAGE PALMETTO
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 8-10'
Growth: medium
Class: evergreen palm
Remarks: Specimen, groups.
Vitex agnus-castus / CHASTETREE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: vase-shaped, spreading
Height: 10-15'
Spread: 10-15'
Growth: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Blue flowers in mid summer. White and pink flower forms available.
* Denotes native Georgia plant.
Large Trees: 40 feet and Up

In the Deep South, the foliage of trees provides protection from the hot summer sun, making them a welcome addition to the landscape. They are the largest and the most permanent plant in the landscape. Therefore, large trees should be chosen with care.
Hardiness and disease and insect resistance are important considerations. Some of the trees commonly planted in Georgia should not be used because of undesirable characteristics.
Trees are important in parks and naturalistic developments, useful for screening and windbreaks, and provide shade and ornament for streets and highways. Many large trees may be used for specimens, displaying outstanding form, foliage or flowers. Another ornamental value of some large deciduous trees is fall color.
Acer rubrum 'Franks Red' / RED SUNSET RED MAPLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 45-50'
Spread: 35-40'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree with bright red fall color.
Acer rubrum 'October Glory' / OCTOBER GLORY RED MAPLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval rounded
Height: 40-50'
Spread: 25-35'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree with excellent late red fall color.
Acer saccharum / SUGAR MAPLE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 50-60'
Spread: 25-40'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow to reddish fall color. Shade tree.
Acer saccharum ssp. floridanum / SOUTHERN SUGAR MAPLE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 40-50'
Spread: 25-35'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tolerant. Usually yellow fall color.
Acer saccharum 'Legacy' / LEGACY SUGAR MAPLE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 40-50'
Spread: 25-35'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Drought resistant with dark green leathery leaves.
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 40-50'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen with good heat tolerance.
Betula nigra 'Cully' / HERITAGE RIVER BIRCH
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 40-50'
Spread: 25-35'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen.
Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' / UPRIGHT EUROPEAN HORNBEAM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: oval-vase
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Narrow when young, spreads with age.
Carya illinoinsesis / PECAN
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 50-60'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Nuts and shade. Branches subject to breakage.
Cedrus atlantica / ATLAS CEDAR
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine to medium
Form: pyramidal
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 25-30'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Specimen tree.
Celtis laevigata / SUGAR HACKBERRY*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: upright to rounded
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 25-35'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Street and shade tree.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum / KATSURA TREE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: upright
Height: 40-60'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree, requires ample moisture.
Cinnamomum lanceolata / CAMPHORTREE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8b
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 40-50'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Screening. May self sow.
Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino' / JAPANESE CRYTOMERIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: pyramidal
Height: 50-60'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Specimen and screening.
Cupressocyparis leylandii / LEYLAND CYPRESS
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: pyramidal
Height: 50-60'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Specimen and screening.
Fagus grandifolia / AMERICAN BEECH*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 35-45'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree.
Ginkgo biloba / GINKGO or MAIDEN HAIR TREE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: irregular
Height: 50-70'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: very slow
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow fall color. Specimen. Select male trees.
Liquidambar styracifula SWEETGUM*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: oval
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 40-50'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow to orange to purple fall color. Specimen.
Liriodendron tulipifera / TULIPTREE or YELLOW POPLAR*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: pyramidal
Height: 80-100'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree, needs adequate moisture.
Magnolia grandiflora / SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: horizontal branching pyramidal
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 40-50'
Growth Rate: slow to medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Specimen with large white flowers.
Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty' / BRACKEN'S BROWN BEAUTY MAGNOLIA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: pyramidal
Height: 40-60'
Spread: 15-30'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Compact, dense pyramidal specimen.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides / DAWN REDWOOD
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine
Form: upright
Height: 80-100'
Spread: 25-30'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous conifer
Remarks: Specimen or screen, tolerant of wet sites.
Nyssa sylvatica / BLACK TUPELO*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: oval
Height: 40-50'
Spread: 25-30'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Naturalistic gardens.
Pinus elliottii / SLASH PINE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: horizontal branching
Height: 80-100'
Spread: 15-20'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Mass plantings.
Pinus palustris / LONGLEAF PINE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 8
Texture: medium
Form: horizontal branching
Height: 80-100'
Spread: 20-25'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Mass plantings.
Pinus strobus / WHITE PINE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: pyramidal
Height: 50-80'
Spread: 20-40'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Specimen or screening tree.
Pinus taeda / LOBLOLLY PINE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: horizontal branching
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Mass plantings and screening.
Platanus occidentalis / SYCAMORE or PLANETREE*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Height: 80-100'
Spread: 40-50'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree.
Platanus x acerifolia / LONDON PLANETREE
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: upright
Height: 70-100'
Spread: 50-60'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree with urban tolerance.
Quercus alba / WHITE OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium to coarse
Form: rounded
Height: 60-100'
Spread: 40-60'
Growth Rate: slow
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree, difficult to transplant.
Quercus coccinea / SCARLET OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Scarlet fall color. Shade.
Quercus falcata / SOUTHERN RED OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: coarse
Form: rounded
Height: 70-80'
Spread: 30-60'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Sheds old leaves in early spring. Shade tree.
Quercus hemisphaerica / LAUREL OAK or DARLINGTON OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 40-60'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Drought tolerant street tree.
Quercus laurifolia / SWAMP LAUREL OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: semi-evergreen
Remarks: Shade. Sheds leaves earlier than Laurel Oak.
Quercus lyrata / OVERCUP OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 40-60'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Transplants well, adapts to poor sites. Strong oval form when young.
Quercus nigra / WATER OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 50-80'
Spread: 40-50'
Growth Rate: medium to fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree.
Quercus nuttallii / NUTTALL OAK
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: rounded
Height: 40-60'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade tree with red fall color. Transplants well.
Quercus palustris / PIN OAK
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: medium
Form: pyramidal
Height: 50-60'
Spread: 25-40'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade or specimen tree.
Quercus phellos / WILLOW OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Height: 40-60'
Spread: 30-60'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Yellow fall color, shade tree.
Quercus shumardii / SHUMARD OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: medium
Form: pyramidal to rounded
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 50-60'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Russet red fall color. Good street tree.
Quercus virginiana / LIVE OAK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 7, 8
Texture: medium
Form: rounded, spreading
Height: 40-80'
Spread: 60-100'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: broad-leaved evergreen
Remarks: Shade or specimen tree.
Taxodium distichum / BALD CYPRESS*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: pyramidal
Height: 50-70'
Spread: 20-30'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen with small bright green leaves.
Tsuga canadensis / CANADIAN HEMLOCK*
Georgia's Hardy Zone: 6b, 7
Texture: fine to medium
Form: pyramidal
Height: 40-70'
Spread: 25-35'
Growth Rate: medium
Class: evergreen conifer
Remarks: Specimen, screening. Best in filtered shade in piedmont.
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine to medium
Form: vase shaped
Height: 40-60'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Quick shade. Often confused with Siberian elm.
Ulmus parvifolia 'Elmer I' / ATHENA LACEBARK ELM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: rounded
Height: 30-40'
Spread: 40-55'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen or shade for urban areas. Drought tolerant and pest free.
Ulmus parvifolia 'Elmer II' / ALLEE LACEBARK ELM
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine
Form: vase shaped
Height: 50-75'
Spread: 40-60'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Specimen or shade for urban areas. Drought tolerant and pest free.
Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' / GREEN VASE JAPANESE ZELKOVA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine to medium
Form: vase shaped
Height: 60-80'
Spread: 40-60'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Shade or street tree with fast growth.
Zelkova serrata 'Village Green' / VILLAGE GREEN JAPANESE ZELKOVA
Georgia's Hardy Zone: entire state
Texture: fine to medium
Form: vase shaped
Height: 40-60'
Spread: 30-40'
Growth Rate: fast
Class: deciduous
Remarks: Excellent street tree with rusty red fall color.
* Denotes a native Georgia plant.
Appreciation is expressed to Thomas Williams, Jr., Head, Extension Landscape Department (retired), The University of Georgia, on whose work portions of this publication are based. Also to Gerald E. Smith, Extension Horticulturist (retired), University of Georgia, for helpful suggestions in the original revision. To Will Corley, Georgia Experiment Station (retired), for information pertaining to ornamental grasses, and to other individuals and organizations who contributed information. Appreciation also to the following for artwork: Gregg Coyle, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, the Extension Art Department and Howard Ellis, former intern in Extension Landscape Architecture Department.
This publication was authored by James T. Midcap, UGA CAES Department of Horticulture, and Neal Weatherly, Jr., UGA School of Environmental Design (now the UGA College of Environment and Design), and was later revised by Matthew Chappell, formerly of the UGA CAES Department of Horticulture.
Status and Revision History
Published on Jun 06, 2003
In Review for Major Revisions on Feb 24, 2009
In Review on Jan 05, 2010
Published with Minor Revisions on Feb 28, 2010
Published with Full Review on Feb 13, 2013
Published with Full Review on Mar 28, 2017
Published with Full Review on Jan 09, 2025