Agriculture, a driving force for local economies across Georgia, has long shaped the state’s history. The 2023 Ag Snapshots report on Georgia’s agricultural economy is based on the 2021 Georgia Farm Gate Value Report, an annual, county-level economic valuation for all food and fiber production in the state. Together these commodities directly represent a value of nearly $14.7 billion to the Georgia economy.
Beyond their farm gate values, these commodities form a foundation for our diverse agricultural supply chain, providing key resources to many sectors and adding value within the economy. Ag Snapshots provides the output and jobs supported by food and fiber production, which include the directly related industries along the supply chain—the total economic contribution—to highlight the importance of the agricultural economy to Georgia.
In 2021, food and fiber production and related industries represented $73.2 billion in output to Georgia’s $1.2 trillion economy and more than 340,827 jobs.
For Ag Snapshots publications prior to 2023, visit the Agribusiness and Economic Development publications site.
Status and Revision History
Published on Jan 27, 2023