UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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6 publications were found on Green-Living
  • Cleaning Healthy, Cleaning Green (C 1114) People spend an average of 90 percent of their time indoors. Studies conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) show levels of several common organic pollutants to be two to five times higher inside homes than outside. Many of these pollutants come from the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from household cleaning products. Indoor pollutants can be reduced by limiting the numb…
  • Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Organic Strategies for the Garden and Home Landscape (SB 48-09) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers organic gardening practices. The USDA National Organic Program has established rules for commercial organic production. These rules do not apply to home gardeners, but they are a useful guide for choosing organic pest management alternatives. Beginning in 2022, the Home & Garden Edition has been updated biennially. When purchasing a product based on…
  • Rethink Waste Series: Recycle (C 1050-2) In today's disposable economy, it often seems easier to throw away old products and buy new ones. Because everything we need can be produced so quickly and cheaply, we tend to ignore the repercussions of our waste stream. Within this publication are facts and strategies which will help you rethink the notion of recycling.
  • Rethink Waste Series: Reduce (C 1050-1) Reducing your actual rate of consumption is the most efficient way to manage the worldwide waste problem. This publication provides strategies you can implement to reduce the amount of waste you and your family produce.
  • Seed Saving in Georgia Gardens: A starter guide for schools, communities, and homes (C 1242) This circular describes the process of saving seeds, particularly for heirloom varieties in the Georgia garden. This guide is useful for both home gardens and school or community gardens.
  • Spanish Series: Las Recetas de Limpieza Ecológicas para un Hogar Saludable (C 1117-SP) • Las siguientes páginas “Limpieza ecológica: Recetas para un Hogar Saludable”, deben imprimirse por las dos caras de un papel de calidad gruesa. • Las recetas con números impares se imprimirán en un lado de la cara del papel y las de números pares en el otro lado de la cara del papel. • De tal manera, cada receta puede cortarse y laminarse (o usted puede laminar la página completa y después corta…