UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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  • Alfalfa Management in Georgia (B 1350) Alfalfa is a high-yielding, perennial legume that is well-suited to hay, silage, or pasture production. Alfalfa is known as the “Queen of Forages” because it produces an excellent quality, high-protei…
  • Control of Mastitis and Milk Quality in Dairy Goats through Immunization (B 1446) Prevalence of mastitis in dairy goats ranges between 5% and 30%, with Staphylococcus spp., otherwise known as the coagulase-negative staphylococci, identified as the most frequent cause of infection. …
  • Dairy Business Analysis Project: 1999 Summary for Florida and Georgia Dairies (B 1205-1) The Dairy Business Analysis Project was initiated in 1996 to measure and document the financial performance of Florida dairy businesses using standardized accounting measures, so uniform comparisons c…
  • Dairy Business Analysis Project: 2005 Summary for Florida and Georgia Dairies (B 1205-2) Financial data for the year 2005 were collected from participating dairy farms and screened for completeness and validity. Each dairy farm then received a benchmark report detailing its financial resu…
  • Dairy Genetic Benchmarks (B 1203) This publication provides genetic benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Examples for using and applying benchmark values are provided; however, this publication …
  • Dairy Production and Management Benchmarks (B 1193) This publication provides production and management benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Some examples of using and applying benchmark values are provided. Howe…
  • Dairy Reproduction Benchmarks (B 1210) This publication provides reproduction benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Some examples of using and applying benchmark values are provided; however, this pub…
  • Feeding Whole Cottonseed to Dairy Cows and Replacements (SB 59) Whole cottonseed is an excellent feed for dairy cattle due to its high level of fiber, protein and energy (fat) in a compact package. It can be fed just as it comes from the gin without processing or …
  • Guidelines for Using Feeds Containing Aflatoxin in Dairy Rations (SB 57) Aflatoxin is formed in stressed plants by the mold Aspergillius flavus. The mycotoxin is produced by an actively growing mold. The mold can be present without mycotoxin formation or the mycotoxin may …
  • Somatic Cell Count Benchmarks (B 1194) This publication provides somatic cell count benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Some examples of using and applying benchmark values are provided. However, th…
Lane O. Ely Professor Emeritus