Publications By Jackie E. Ogden
Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite: Avoiding Bed Bugs in Your Home (C 1108) This publication presents helpful information about bed bugs and ways to reduce the risk of bringing them into your home. The circular includes a helpful guide to shopping for secondhand items. For a…
Mold, the Uninvited Guest Series: Preventing Mold in Your Home (C 1047-1) Mold in your home is not only unsightly, it can also cause health problems. If you have mold growing in your home, you may experience allergy-like symptoms, asthma attacks, or other negative health ef…
Mold, the Uninvited Guest Series: Removing Mold in Your Home (C 1047-2) Mold grows from spores, which are found naturally in the air and cannot be seen by the naked eye. Mold spores act like seeds, causing mold to grow under the right conditions. Mold itself is usually ea…