UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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  • Dairy Genetic Benchmarks (B 1203) This publication provides genetic benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Examples for using and applying benchmark values are provided; however, this publication …
  • Dairy Production and Management Benchmarks (B 1193) This publication provides production and management benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Some examples of using and applying benchmark values are provided. Howe…
  • Dairy Reproduction Benchmarks (B 1210) This publication provides reproduction benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Some examples of using and applying benchmark values are provided; however, this pub…
  • Somatic Cell Count Benchmarks (B 1194) This publication provides somatic cell count benchmarks for Holstein herds processed by Dairy Records Management Systems. Some examples of using and applying benchmark values are provided. However, th…
Warren D. Gilson Associate Professor