UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

UGA Extension Office

Family & Consumer Sciences

UGA Extension Gwinnett County has a long tradition of helping individuals and families over their life span and strengthening communities through educational programs. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for individuals and families. We want to help Georgians meet new challenges in a changing environment. We focus on our clients' economic and social well-being through programs that help people extend their income, improve their health, and strengthen their personal and family relationships.  Whether you are raising a family, making a living, trying to cook and eat nutritiously, or making important buying decisions, UGA Extension Gwinnett County has resources available.

University of Georgia Extension in Gwinnett provides free dial-guage testing. Preparing now will keep you and your family safe and enjoying seasonal flavors year-round. 

UGA publications about preserving food through canning are available on the National Center for Home Food Preservation website at

Our agent, Inés Beltrán, will be happy to assist you in any of these areas. Give her a call at 678.377.4014.



We provide research-based information to help individuals and their families live healthier, happier lives through maintaining a nourishing and active lifestyle.


Here you'll find useful information on fibers and textiles, including recommendations for care and a wide array of solutions to common textile disasters.


We teach about water and energy conservation, reducing waste, buying, or renting a home and improving the indoor environment.


We are specialists in nutrition, food safety, child development, housing, and other areas who help you keep individuals and families healthy.


We are human development and family life specialists in Georgia who use the latest research to help children, teens, adults, and families thrive.


Our financial capability programs are designed to help consumers plan their spending to meet their needs, wants, and goals today and in the future.