Nutrition & Wellness
McIntosh County Extension strives to provide outreach, resources, and programs to help improve the overall quality of life for individuals and families within the community. Our goal is to ensure that the general population receives evidence-based nutrition and wellness information. The McIntosh County FACS Agent, Michelle Quick, is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and qualified to offer community programming surrounding chronic disease management.
Community programming is generally free to the public. Program topics can be developed based on audience/community needs. If you have a need for nutrition & wellness education please call the extension office for more information. We are happy to discuss inquiry's via telephone or in person.
2024 Community Program Topics:
Nutrition & Chronic Disease:
- Diabetes Awareness
- Nutrition & Arthritis Control
- Keep Your Pressure in Check -Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol & Triglycerides
- Aging with a Healthy Brain
- Cancer Prevention
- Building Bones to Last a Lifetime – Osteoporosis
Food or Nutrient Specific:
- Benefits of Tea
- Don’t Salt It - Herb & Spice It!
- Drink Water, Georgia! - Hydration
- Fill up on Fiber
- Functional Foods
- Go Nuts!
- Love Your Guts-Pre/Probiotics
- Making Sense of Antioxidants
- The Basics of Plant Based
- The Mediterranean Diet
- The MOOre the Merrier- Dairy & Alternatives
Healthy Georgia Wellness Curriculum:
- Developing SMART Goals
- Adequate Sleep
- Let's Get Physical!
- Preventing Portion Distortion
- Understanding a Nutrition Facts Label
- The Power of a Can
- Mindful Eating
- Food Safety Begins at Home
- Stress-less Meal Planning
- Dining Out
- Fiscal Wellness
- Clean is the Foundation of Everything (Healthy Home Environments)
- Appsolutely Fabulous Health & Wellness apps
- Stress Less, Live More
The Healthy Georgia Wellness curriculum caters to employee wellness programs or lunch and learns. Presentations can be completed within 30-60 minutes depending on the availability of participants. If you are a business and interested in exploring employee wellness programs, please contact the extension office for details.