Upcoming Events
UPDATE: Due to the damage received from TS Debbie, the New Paths Horse Sanctuary tour has been rescheduled to August 30 and Gilliard Farms to September 6. If you have not registered yet, please feel free to join now! Call 912-554-7577 to sign up.
Glynn County is the home of an ever expanding tourist destination. Urbanization is fantastic for our local economy, but it has pushed agriculture out as a large economic input. Today, there are still agricultural practices and farmers who work in Glynn County. Through our Experience Agriculture Locally program, you will be able to interact on-farm with some of our local producers. This August, we will learn about and visit four producers in Glynn County. We will learn about mushroom production and marketing, visit our local horse rescue to learn about equine care and rehabilitation, tour a centennial farm with a 7th generation farmer to learn about organic vegetables and Gullah Geechee heritage crops, and the process involved with rearing bees and processing honey.
The cost for the program is $30 per person (for all four sessions). We will meet on Fridays, August 2, 9, 16, and 23 from 6:00PM-8:00PM. We look forward to sharing the awesome work our local producers do to maintain their agricultural commodities in Glynn County.
University of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution. If you need a reasonable accommodation or language access services, contact the Glynn County Extension office at 912-554-7577 or mchalbrook@uga.edu, at least two days prior to the program date.

St. Simons, we are coming to you!
Stop by Casino Room 112 to talk to the County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent. Bring pictures of issues you may be facing in your landscape, drop off soil and/or water samples, share ideas for future educational programming, or any other questions you may have about Ag and Natural Resources, all without having to leave the island. She will set up on the first Thursday of each month for the remainder of 2024.
August 1
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5
Casino Room 112
550 Beachview Drive
St. Simons Island, GA
Please join the Glynn County Master Gardener Volunteers at the Madge Merritt 4-H Teaching Garden! On the first Saturday of each month, they will host a brief educational presentation, tours of the research plots, and field any questions that you may have about your own lawn and garden! Bring along pictures to help them see the issues you are facing. If you have any questions, you may reach out to 912-554-7577 or mchalbrook@uga.edu
September 7: Container Gardening, Debra Stockton
October 5: Recycling in the garden, Anabela Tortorell and Tina Williamson
Topics will be updated as they are assigned. May change throughout. Follow our Facebook event page to stay up-to-date 🙂

Tired of always throwing out vegetable scraps? Looking for an alternative to the compost bin? Join us for Propagate Your Produce and you will learn techniques to regrow produce from your food scraps. We will discuss vegetables that perform well, water and soil propagation. There will be prepared examples to demonstrate growth stages and successes.
This is a free event!
September 17, 6:00-7:00PM. Darien Lions' Clubhouse (905 E Broad St, Darien, GA)
UGA Extension will have an educational booth set up at this event.
From Coastal Wildscapes: Join us for our annual Fall Native Plant Sale! We will have four native plant vendors on site. Pre-orders are strongly encouraged. Check out vendor inventories at https://www.coastalwildscapes.org/Native-Plant-Sources.
September 21, 9:00AM -1:00PM at Ashantilly Center (15591 GA-99, Darien, GA 31305)

As part of the Fall into Autumn Makers Market, Glynn County Master Gardener Volunteers will host a plant sale. The proceeds from this fundraiser will go back into the Madge Merritt 4-H Garden (where the plant sale is taking place). This garden is used as a teaching tool for both 4-H Youth and adult community members alike.
September 28, 9:00-3:00 (325 Old Jesup Rd, Brunswick, GA)
University of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution. If you need reasonable accommodation or language access services, contact the McIntosh County Extension office (at 912.437.6651 or mchalbrook@uga.edu), at least three weeks prior to the program date