UGA Extension Office

Project Achievement

What is Project Achievement?

Project Achievement is a public speaking competition for 4th-12th grade students. Select a topic that YOU are interested in to share with your fellow 4-H'ers, develop your confidence, and meet new friends from across the state at the district competitions. Project areas include but not are limited to: dog care and training, sports, history, arts & crafts, outdoor recreation and more! Would you rather cook and be evaluated like the chefs on the Food Network? Compete in one of our many cooking projects including Better Breakfast, Dairy Foods, Pizza, and Festive Foods for Health. Are you in to the performing arts instead? Compete in performing arts instrumental, vocal, or general project area! Project Achievement is for everyone! See the project lists  for your grade level and a Parent Guide to Project Achievement below:

Cloverleaf- 4th-6th grade

Junior- 7th-8th grade

Senior- 9th-12th grade

Project Achievement: A Parent Guide

Project Achievement Video

Cloverleaf Project Achievement

Open to all 4th-6th grade students! The county public speaking contest will be held on Thursday January 16, 2025 . Location to be determined. The top 4 winners in each category will advance to the district contest and incentive trip on Saturday February 8, 2025. See the category list above!

How do you get started?

1. Pick a topic that interests YOU! It can be anything!

2. Research that topic using credible resources

3. Write your speech! Include an introduction (with a catchy hook), three body paragraphs highlighting your topic, and a conclusion.

4. Create your poster! It can be a trifold board or regular poster board. Be sure to use large words and pictures so that your poster can be seen clearly in the video submission! Your poster should compliment your speech.

5. Time yourself! Your speech should be 4-6 minutes long!

6. Pre-register for the contest by email Kathleen McElroy at 

8. The deadline to pre-register is January 13, 2025

9. Questions? Contact Chloe Patterson at or Kathleen McElroy at


Watch example Cloverleaf Presentations!

Junior/Senior Project Achievement: 7th-12th grade

Two part process- Portfolio and Presentation

Portfolios are very easy to do! It is just a list of all of the activities that you have participated in both inside and outside of 4-H from January 1st to December 31st. Cobb County 4-H hosts multiple portfolio workshops so that you can work on them with your fellow 4-H'ers! Check out this video created by former Floyd County AmeriCorps Member, Whitney Kirkpatrick that explains Junior/Senior Project Achievement!


2024-2025 Cobb 4-H Portfolio Workshop Dates:

  • Tuesday August 28th from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Extension Office 
  • Friday September 27th from 9:00am-3:00pm at the Extension Office 
  • Tuesday October 22nd  from 6:30pm-8:00pm
  • TuesdayNovember 26th from 9:00am-3:00pm
  • Thursday December 19th from 10:00am-5:00pm
  • Friday December 20th from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Portfolios DUE- January 2, 2025 by 4:00pm to the Extension Office or via email to Ms. Chloe at

Presentations Information and Dates

  • Junior presentation length- 7-9 minutes
  • Senior presentation length- 10-12 minutes
  • Junior Food Lab length- 1 hour
  • Senior Food Lab length- 1 1/2 hours
  • Performing Arts- 4 minutes
  • Rough drafts of speech due to DPA mentor- January 31, 2025
  • Poster Workshops- All day at the Extension Office February 20-21, 2025
  • Foods Lab Dress Rehearsal Date- Make your appointment with Ms. Chloe by emailing her at

DPA Competition and FREE weekend trip to Rock Eagle- February 28-March 2, 2025

DPA weekend activities:

  • Competition
  • Dance!
  • District Officer Elections
  • Canteen Time
  • Recreation
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Free time with friends
  • FUN!