UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County 

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year. 

Agricultural and Natural Resources 

UGA Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Agent Mark Frye, who also serves as Wayne County Extension ANR Agent, provides specialized, unbiased, research-based educational information and technical assistance to farmers and homeowners countywide. Long County Extension partnered with the Wayne County Extension Office in helping local clients to have regular lab analysis and testing done throughout the course of 2020. The most significant being soil sampling and plant analysis to ensure that farmers, growers and homeowners were achieving the maximum yield and growths from lawns to home gardens. The most influential commodity grown throughout Long County being Timber, the agent responded to significant amount of calls and onsite visits to help landowners assess needs and recommendations. The Agriculture and Natural Resources agent provided recommendations in forages, forestry, horticulture, livestock, ornamentals, pond management, pest control, pecans, soil fertility, water quality and general agriculture. The Agricutlure and Natural Resources Agent also provided recommendation in the areas of soil fertility, pest control, timber production, livestock, vegetable, horticulture, lawns, and water tests for homeowners, small ruminants, wildlife, pecans, small grains and forages through the UGA Extension program.  

4-H Youth and Development

The COVID-19 pandemic produced limited availability for youth activities that were vitally important to the overall well-being and positive youth development that UGA Extension and Georgia 4-H are honored to offer students each year. From November 2020 to present, the Long County 4-H program has made weekly progress in outreach to community members, new 4-H enrollees, and longtime supporters. 4-H is an overarching and multi-faceted program full of growth opportunities for our local youth. Thankfully, UGA Extension committed themselves to work hard to provide faculty and staff the resources needed to continue conducting programming. This included Zoom trainings, recorded session lessons, videos, YouTube tutorials, promotional materials and more.

Since November 2020, these resources have helped Long County 4-H enroll 45 new students ranging from 1st-12th grade. School principals and teachers were able to share information with students regarding contests, events, and virtual lessons that they could participate in. Collaboration with the Board of Education, county commissioners, Long County Library, Family Connection, the Chamber of Commerce, and the local newspaper were all used to help spread the word about local 4-H programming for youth. The outcome has been tremendous so far. The program grew a Homeschool Club to 20 members and reached Junior 4-H’ers from 3 members in 2019 to 15 members in 2021. Long County has also received great feedback from Cloverleafs wanting to participate in Virtual Cloverleaf Project Achievement and expect about 10 to complete a project.

As we continue to work through the effects of COVID, Long County is dedicated and committed to grow and spread the positive message of making the best, better! 

Family and Consumer Sciences

Although Long County does not have a Family and Consumer Sciences agent based in the office, UGA Extension staff continue to assist local residents with their questions. Common questions regard food safety, food preservation and treating mold and mildew. These topics and others are answered through a wide variety of free UGA Extension publications available at the county office or by phone conferences with Family and Consumer Sciences agents in surrounding counties. The Long County Extension Office would love to help you get connected to available resources that can make your home, health, projects, and life safer, easier, more affordable, and fun!  


Download Our Annual Report (pdf)