UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Becoming a 4-H Member

What is 4-H?

As a program of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension System, we extend lifelong learning to the people of Georgia through unbiased, research based education in agriculture, the environment, communities, youth and families. 4-H is an educational program focusing on leadership, citizenship, public speaking and life skills.

The mission of Georgia 4-H is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to come self directing, productive and contributing members of society.

Simply, 4-H is a world in which youth and adults learn, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive change! Exploring and discovering, encouraging and challenging, that’s what 4-H is all about!

Who can join?

All students in the 5th grade at MES will join 4-H at the beginning of each school year through normal school enrichment. Youth in the 7th - 12th grades will need to contact the 4-H office to enroll or fill out the online enrollment form to be included in the Junior/Senior 4-H Club. Homeschoolers and any other eligible youth may contact the Long County 4-H Office to receive enrollment information. All 4-H'ers must have a current enrollment form on file at the Long County Extension office. In addition, 4-H'ers who participate outside of the classroom meetings must have a 4-H Code of Conduct form on file which is sent electronically via email.

4-H Age Divisions                                  

  • Cloverbuds (or pre-club) are youth in Kindergarten through 3rd grade.
  • Cloverleaf 4-H'ers are youth in 4th through 6th grade.
  • Junior 4-H'ers are youth in 7th and 8th grade.
  • Senior 4-H'ers are youth in 9th through 12th grade.
  • Homeschoolers are youth in 1st through 12th grade (with the exception of only 4th through 12th grade being able to participate in 4-H competitions).
There is no charge for 4-H membership.

Georgia 4-H Focus Areas

Programs in the focus areas teach youth about creativity, curiosity, and encourage them to take on proactive leadership roles. Through hands-on learning and work with dedicated mentors, Georgia 4-H’ers develop valuable life and career readiness skills that will help them thrive today and for a lifetime.
Agriculture & STEM - Agriculture and STEM programs provide students the opportunity to learn through hands-on projects that teach problem solving, creative and critical thinking, and build awareness of these important areas.
Healthy Living - Georgia 4-H healthy living programs help youth learn about nutrition, health and fitness, bullying prevention, safety, and stress management to promote overall balanced, healthy living for a lifetime.
Civic Engagement - Civic Engagement programs empower 4-H’ers to learn about civic affairs, build decision-making skills and develop an understanding of the importance of participating in their communities.

In - School Programming

Monthly club meetings provide 5th grade students leadership experiences, hands-on learning, and chances to explore areas of interest. 4-H partners with Long County school educators through in-school club delivery to encourage and promote the Georgia Standards of Excellence.


After - School Programming

Junior and Senior 4-Hers (7th-12th Grade) have monthly club meetings that are held at the Long Co. Ext Office. Young people engage in group activities that promote personal development, healthy lifestyles, a sense of citizenship, and character education.

Other 4-H Programming

The Long County 4-H program will also have monthly meetings at the 4-H office for our Cloverbud Club (K-3rd graders) and Community Service Club which is open to any 4th-12th graders. Additionally, we have a Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging team in the Fall and a Poultry Judging Team in the Spring. 


4-H Programs & Activities

With the support of adult mentors, youth select from a variety of hands-on projects in which to research, learn and compete. 4-H programs are available for children in grades 4th-12th.
  • Summer camps offer 4-H’ers great adventure, friendship and fun, and develops camper independence.
  • 4-H’ers explore their interests, unleash their creativity, share their work, and celebrate learning through Project Achievement
  • 4-H’ers have the opportunity to participate in a number of statewide conferences held throughout the year such as Fall Forum
  • Other activities include Project S.A.F.E, Livestock Show Teams, Horse Club, various contests, and more!
Clubs you, as a 4-Her, can participate in:
  • Air Rifle
  • Horse Club
  • Shotgun
  • Livestock Show Teams (indicate market hogs, heifers, goats, lambs, beef, does, dairy, ewes)
  • Robotics
  • Archery
  • Sporting Clays
  • Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging
  • Community Service
  • BB Gun Team
  • Judging Teams (indicate Poultry, Wildlife, Dairy, Horse, Livestock, Land)
Connect with us if you'd like to be a part of any of these clubs!
While there are some clubs you can be a part of, there are also a lot of other activities, leadership conferences, educational experiences and contests that Georgia 4-H allows each county to participate in! Be thinking about a few you may want to do during the year...and don't worry, we'll let you know when they are coming up so you can be prepared!
  • Watermelon Growing Contest
  • Pantry Pride Recipe Contest
  • STEM, Healthy Living, 4-H Issue or Pollinator Ambassadors
  • 4-H Day at the Capitol
  • Pumping Growing Contest
  • Clovers & Co. Performing Arts Group
  • MilkMake Recipe Contest
  • Upcycle Challenge
  • Step Up and Lead
  • Fall Forum
  • Beekeeping Essay
  • Dairy Month Poster Contest
  • Photo Contests
  • AgTastic Adventures
  • River of Words Poetry and Art Contest
  • Military Leadership Summits
  • State 4-H Council
  • Mission Make It (Engineering Challenge at Rock Eagle with STEM related activities)
  • Turkey Barbecue Contest
  • Quiz Bowl