UGA Extension agents, staff and trained volunteers keep local communities informed through county Extension offices. We offer reliable information and programs in the areas of agriculture, food, families, the environment, and 4-H youth development. Let us help you learn, grow, and do more!
Jasper County 4-H'ers (4th-12th graders) are encouraged to design a logo for Blue Bird Electric, a local company that is sponsoring this contest. Top prize is $100. All entries are due to the Jasper County Extension Office as a hard copy by the submission deadline of April 2, 2025. Our office is located at 162 N. Warren St. in Monticello. Contact us at 706-468-6479 or with any questions. Click here to view all contest rules and the entry form.
Apr 5 - Apr 7Statewide Senior 4-H ConferenceEatonton, GA College and Share Fair, Motivational Speaker, Semi-Formal Dinner and Dance, and Evening Dance and Recreation for 9th - 12th Grades.