Junior/Senior Project Achievement
Project Achievement looks a bit different when youth become 7th graders. 4-H'ers are asked to pick a project area of interest, do project work in that area throughout the year then research a specific topic, write a presentation, and present it to a judging panel. Beginning in 7th grade, youth are expected to produce lengthier presentations and submit a portfolio for written work. For Senior 4-H'ers, presentations and portfolios become longer and more involved. District winners are given the opportunity to compete at the state level to become a Master 4-H'er and attend State Congress. State winners will advance to National Congress.
Dates: March 1-3, 2024 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, GA
State Congress
State Congress is an annual four-day event in Atlanta that hosts various contests, recognizes 4-H scholarship recipients, and honors state 4-H winners in a variety of projects and competitions. During this week, the state level Georgia 4-H Project Achievement competition takes place where 4-H'ers can earn Master 4-H status. This year State Congress will take place July 23-26, 2026 and Jasper County will have 5 Senior 4-H'ers in attendance.