
Extension Office Hours
Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm.
For general extension questions, contact us at 706-613-3640 or email uge1059@uga.edu.
Extension agents are listed below with their subject area and you may contact them directly for program-specific questions.
- 4-H agent, Elizabeth Conway: ebarber@uga.edu
- Agriculture and Natural Resources agent, Laura Ney: lney@uga.edu
- Family and Consumer Sciences agent, Brad Averill: bradley.averill@uga.edu
Soil and water testing: For instructions on how to submit your soil samples or information about water sampling, please call 706-613-3640.
Residential Composting
The Extension office has become an added location for Athens-Clarke residents to drop off compostable items free of charge. Many items not allowed in the normal recycling stream can be composted including greasy pizza boxes and food items like meats. Please visit accgov.com/compost for a complete list of items that can be composted. Composting items will reduce materials going to the landfill and will produce rich soil. Our composting bins are usually located behind our office building. However, they are currently being washed and sanitized making them unavailable at this time. Check back in for updates!
Extension Serves the Entire Community
Athens-Clarke County Extension offers a wealth of information and services for residents of our county. Agents and trained support staff provide educational programs as well as many services. Our Agriculture and Natural Resources agent offers landscape and gardening information to residents, Master Gardener, and other classes as well as water and soil testing and access to UGA informative publications. Our 4-H agent creates and organizes youth educational programs including competitive events which will assist young people to develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility, and life skills through experiential learning. Our Family and Consumer Science agent offers and designs educational programs for the community's needs, provides information you can trust on money, home, health, food, and family, and oversees the SNAP-Ed program which helps families on a budget learn to eat healthy.
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Athens-Clarke County Outdoor Watering Schedule
Due to improved conditions, Athens-Clarke County has eased watering restrictions and the non-drought outdoor water use schedule is in effect. You may visit Athens-Clarke County Public Utilities for complete information regarding allowable schedules for uses of water outdoors. You may refer to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division for statewide outdoor water usage. Remember every drop counts.
Upcoming Events
Apr 1 Athens Master Gardener Program Come join the Athens Master Gardeners! The Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer (MGEV) Program connects UGA Extension, plant enthusiasts, and communities across the state. MGEVs share UGA Extension consumer horticulture programming about selection and care of plants for ornamental value, recreation, and home food production. Master Gardeners teach community members how to use plants and gardening to improve their environment, personal health, and quality of life.
- Bogart, GA
Apr 8 Athens Master Gardener Program Come join the Athens Master Gardeners! The Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer (MGEV) Program connects UGA Extension, plant enthusiasts, and communities across the state. MGEVs share UGA Extension consumer horticulture programming about selection and care of plants for ornamental value, recreation, and home food production. Master Gardeners teach community members how to use plants and gardening to improve their environment, personal health, and quality of life.
- Bogart, GA
Do You Need a Speaker?
UGA Extension Athens-Clarke County agents and trained volunteers are available to present educational programs of interest to your group or organization. We offer programs tailored to fit your needs. Topics include landscaping, home gardening, healthy lifestyles, nutrition, food safety, 4-H youth development, and more. Our educators keep busy schedules so it is important to make a speaker request as early as possible to get a spot on our calendar. You may contact us through the form below or consult our Contact Us page to access the contact information for a specific staff member. We look forward to working with you.
An Equal opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution
If you are an individual with a disability who may require assistance or accomodation in order to participate in or recieve the benefit of a service, program, or activity of UGA, or if you desire more information, please contact us.