UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.


In 2023-2024, Candler County 4-H reached 602 students in grades 4-12. These students participated in Project Achievement, Project S.A.F.E. Shooting Sports programs, Cotton Boll & Consumer Judging, Poultry Judging, summer camps and program, local educational activities and exhibited livestock.

Candler County 4-H is active in the Candler County School System participating in events such as Ag Day, FLEX Program, Trunk or Treat and more. Other partnerships with the Metter-Candler Chamber of Commerce included Candler Youth Leadership and Farm Tour.

Cloverleaf 4-H’ers in grades 4-6 learned about agriculture, earth sciences, healthy choices, presentation skills and elected 4-H club officers. Junior and Senior 4-H’ers in grades 7-12 learned about communication and leadership. All ages of 4-H youth participate in community service projects for the good of Metter and Candler County.






Superior research and education are the driving forces of agricultural innovation, and no one knows this better than UGA Extension. Candler County has a diverse agriculture industry which yielded a Farm Gate Value of $45,904,840 in 2022.  Annually, Candler County producers grow approximately 25,000 acres of row crops including cotton, corn, peanuts and soybeans. Candler County also has onions, watermelons, cattle, swine, poultry, pecans, blueberries, tobacco, lettuce, sweet corn, cabbage, collards, and agritourism.

The Candler County ANR Program offered 7 production meetings in 2023 that had 235 attendees with topics covering cotton, peanut, pecan, tobacco, citrus, crop budgets, cattle, forestry, and pest management. Candler County also hosted the following field days: GA-FL Tobacco Tour stops, Vidalia Onion, and Forestry Field day with a total of 195 attendees.

The Candler County ANR Program also partnered with the UGA Extension 4-H program, the UGA Extension FACS program, the Metter-Candler Chamber of Commerce, and the Candler County School System to host two ag awareness events for Candler County Youth. The farm tour highlighted local farms and agribusiness from across the county and the Ag Awareness Day at the school exposed over 1,500 kids to different types of agriculture.

The Candler County ANR Program conducted local research studies in 2023 for cotton, peanut, tobacco, citrus, and onions.

Diagnostic testing is another service that is offered in Candler County. In the 2023 program year, the following test were conducted for our clients: soil (320), water (11), plant tissue (2), forage (4), nematode (5), animal waste (4).


2023 Impact statement- Determining the optimum neck length to improve storability in onions



In 2023, our FACS Extension Program focused on safety: with food and transporting children in vehicles. Through offering the nationally recognized ServSafe Manager Certification Course and Exam, 48 food protection managers passed the rigorous exam and obtained their ServSafe Certificate. Obtaining this certification allows local food handlers to meet the regulatory requirements for compliance with the Department of Public Health and the Georgia Department of Agriculture, totaling 96 hours of instruction within the last year. 


The Candler County FACS program also partners with the Department of Public Health and the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety to offer child passenger education and car seats for families in need. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that more than 2,600 children under 13 are involved in a car crash every day (one child every 33 seconds). Motor vehicle crashes are also one of the leading causes of preventable injuries and death for children ages 1-14. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that car seat use reduces the risk for injury in a crash by 71-82% and booster seats reduce the risk for serious injury by 45% for children ages 4-8 when compared to seat belt use alone. However, just because a car seat or booster seat is utilized, it does not necessarily suggest that it is used correctly. Latest research shows that nearly 60 % of car seats are installed or adjusted incorrectly1, exhibiting the need for enhanced education and accountability for adherence. Through this program, 19 seats were distributed to families in Candler and Evans Counties since July of 2023 along with an educational presentation on following best practices.


2023 impact statement- Car SEAT safety

2023 impact statement- servsafe