UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Ask a Master Gardener Clinics

Master Gardener Extension volunteers are available upon request for setting up a plant clinic at local retail nurseries, garden centers, farmer's markets, local events, and other locations. Please provide at least 6 weeks advance notice to allow time for scheduling a plant clinic day.

Plant clinics offer an excellent opportunity for the general public to ask questions about gardening and home landscaping. Trained Master Gardener Extension Volunteers can provide soil test bags, free publications, consumer horticulture recommendations, troubleshooting advice, and other references to homeowners.


Our theme for plant clinics this year is "Increasing Soil and Water Conservation Habits." If you would like to see additional plant clinic topics, please provide suggestions for future program planning. Thank you for your interest!

Master Gardener volunteers at a table with flyers and other information

Bartow County Master Gardeners
Contact Information:

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension
320 West Cherokee Ave.
Cartersville, GA 30120
Driving Directions

Phone: (770) 387-5142
Fax: (770) 386-3488
