UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

4-H Youth Development

What is 4-H?

A club in which youth and adults learn, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive change! Georgia 4-H, a partner in public education, is youth and adults learning, growing, and working together to experience and accomplish the extraordinary.

How Do I Join 4-H?

In Bartow County, all youth in 4th through 12th grade may be 4-H members, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or disability. 4-H has Club Meetings in every Elementary and Middle School in Bartow County. Our High School 4-H'ers meet monthly at our 4-H office. We even have a “Home School Club”. There are no membership fees! (There may be a minimal cost for some activities.)

In order to become a 4-H member, all you need to do is fill out an enrollment card that is given out in the School Club meetings.

  • Cloverleaf 4-H'ers: 5th and 6th grade
  • Junior 4-H'ers: 7th and 8th grade
  • Senior 4-H'ers: 9-12th grade


Youth Programs

  • Forestry Judging Team
  • Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging
  • Lifesmarts
  • Livestock Judging
  • Horse Judging
  • S.A.F.E. (Shooting Awareness Fun and Education) Teams
  • Project Achievement
  • Summer Camp

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  • 4-H & Youth (BARTOW4H-L)  If page is blocked, click advanced tab and click box to proceed.


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