For Extension Agents
The Center for Urban Agriculture (The Center) offers four (4) opportunities for Georgia County Extension offices to generate revenue. Getting the Best of Pests (GTBOP) is a live webinar series that reaches out to the Georgia Green Industry offering CEU Category Credits from the privacy and luxury of a home or office environment. The GTBOP series saves companies time, travel and funds and provides county extension offices user-friendly, useful information and revenue generating opportunities.
- Host a Live GTBOP Webinar
- Show an Archived GTBOP Webinar
- Combine a Webinar with Planned Training
- Promotion
The GTOP Green Webinars are offered on the 3rd Wednesday of every ODD-numbered month. (January, March, May, July, September and November.) Live webinars accessed online, utilizing web-based Go-To-Webinar, are aired from 8:15 am to 10:45 am. After each live webinar, The Center cuts the 2-hour webinar into two 1-hour, CEU approved, recordings and offers county agents access to them on the website.
To receive the CEU Credits, immediately following any live webinar or archive viewing, simply scan and email the sign-in sheet to or physically mail it to The Center (address provided on the sign-in sheet) for processing and submission to the Georgia Department of Agriculture on behalf of the extension office. County offices should retain a copy of all sign in sheets for their records.
Option 1: Host a Live GTBOP Webinar
Earn money while at the office! Hosting a live webinar is easy and your office keeps 100% of the revenue collected for each hosted webinar.
How to host a live webinar (2 hours)-
Georgia county extension offices are sent an email invitation to host the webinar; however, if you miss that email invitation, visit to access the next webinar. Register the as a host using the link provided in the email or by visiting Next, choose a host site. Host sites can be the local county office conference room or any other location that has reliable internet access, a computer, and a projector. Next, using your marketing avenues and resources, invite clients to attend the webinar at the host location. Before the webinar begins, print the appropriate sign-in sheet (located on the website).
How does our office make money?
The morning of the webinar, collect any fees* you decide to charge as clients arrive and have them use the sign-in sheet to sign in and out of the webinar session. Your office retains 100% of any revenue collected.

Option 2: Show an Archived GTBOP Webinar
There are times when local commercial or private applicators will come to the county extension office in need of category credits to maintain their license. The archives (webinar recordings) are available to county agents on demand, at any time, from the website. Viewing the archive is easy, convenient, and your office keeps 100% of any revenue collected for allowing clients to view the archives. County extension offices and agents are encouraged to offer the archives to their commercial and private pesticide applicator clients as an opportunity to receive CEU Category credits.
How to show an archived webinar recording (1 hour) -
Access the archived webinars at Detailed directions can be found on the right-hand side of the website under the heading “For County Use Only”. Invite the client to watch the archive at the county extension office. Review and select the topic (credits) desired, print the Archive Sign-In Sheet (use one archive sign-in sheet for each archive viewed), have the client sign in and out as they view/finish viewing the webinar archive.
How does our office make money?
That’s up to you! Collect any fees* for providing this service to your clients. Your office retains 100% of all revenue collected for each archive viewed

Option 3: Combine a Webinar with Planned Training
County extension offices may elect to hold an additional training session on the same day as a live webinar. Simply piggy-back the additional training to follow the live webinar. Another alternative is to incorporate an archive viewing into an additional county planned training. It is important to understand that the webinars/archives already have pre-approved CEU credits so any CEU credits offered above those associated with the webinars/archives will need to be sent through the regulatory body for approval. Any CEU credits your content receives approval for will be in addition to the one already in place with the webinars/archives and the responsibility for submitting those credits rests with the local county agent office.
How to use the live/archived webinars with additional county programs (2+ hours) -
Choose your training location. Begin marketing the event to your clients. The morning of the event, print the appropriate webinar sign-in sheets (live / archive) and prepare a separate sign-in sheet for the county approved content training. Have the participants complete both sign-in sheets, logging in and out times for each, collect any fees* for the program. If using a live webinar, view the webinar through completion then follow up with the remaining county planned training. If incorporating an archive recording, the archive may be viewed at any point during the county planned training.
How does our office make money?
Once again, your office determines the fee structure for the programming and retains 100% of the revenue collected. Once the program has ended scan the webinar/archive sign-in sheets and email them to or mail them to The Center for processing and submission. For the additional county content, process and forward the approved content sign-in sheet(s) to the regulatory agency, as you would do for any CEU credit approved event or training you typically offer. Remember to copy all sign-in sheets for your records and provide your clients a copy as well.

Option 4: Promotion
Don’t have time? Do nothing and still earn money!
Yes, you read right! Some county extension offices are already familiar with this option. If your office has received a $5 check in the past year, it is highly likely that the check you received was half of the proceeds collected from a GTBOP webinar in which someone from your county registered for a live webinar online through Eventbrite. County offices are free to promote and share the live webinar information to help raise awareness and increase participation from their counties.
For more information on The Center, offerings, or the GTBOP Green Industry Webinar Series visit our website at or call 770-233-6107.
*Note: The Center charges the industry standard of $5 registration fee per credit hour. Counties may set their own fees, which may be partially based on other items, supplies or materials provided during their viewings or training programs.