4-H Youth Development
Email Sign Up
Forms, Applications and Downloads
Online Enrollment
NEW: On-line Enrollment now available for all 4-12 grade Morgan County students!
Use this link to fill-in some basic info about you: Morgan County 4-H Enrollment Registration
What is 4-H
4-H is an educational youth program focusing on the needs, interests, and concerns of young people. Our aim is to help Morgan youth gain a positive self-concept, develop social skills and decision-making abilities, and learn subject knowledge needed for a productive life. 4-H members develop leadership and citizenship skills through individual project work, group activities, community service, and school meetings. We are the youth division of the UGA Extension program.
4-H began as corn and tomato clubs, but has evolved to become the largest youth organization in the world. Visit the What is 4-H Page to learn more about the 4-H Program.
4-H Activity Information
Horse Club
- Learn horse care
- Learn training techniques
- Participate in fun field trips
- Perform Community Service projects
Homeschool Meetings
An educational, fun club for home schoolers to learn more about diffrenent educational objectives!
- Meeting dates are usally on the first Monday of the month during the school calendar year.
Judging Teams
Please see Judging and Team Events Page