Agriculture & Natural Resources

Pesticide Safety and Training
Pesticides are a vital part of most agricultural and forestry operations. Human and environmental safety does not have to be compromised. Let us help you apply pesticides safely.
- Pesticide Safety Education Program
The Georgia Private Pesticide Applicator Exam may be completed online. For more information read on how to complete the exam, please read this instructional flyer.
Upcoming Events
Mar 22 - Mar 23 Cloverleaf Project Achievement - Candler County - 4th - 6th Grades Georgia 4-H Project Achievement
- Metter, GA - (20.0 Miles)
Apr 21 - Apr 22 Georgia 4-H Area Poultry Judging Contest - Toombs 4-H Event
- Lyons, GA - (24.0 Miles)
Links of Interest
- Climate and Agriculture Blog
- Farm Bureau
- Georgia County Guide
- Georgia Dept. of Agriculture
- Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources
- Georgia Pecan Information Is it Pee-Can or Puh'can (YouTube video)
- Georgia Pest Management Handbook
- Georgia Weather
- Go Fish Education Center
- Pecan Blog
- Pond Management
- SmartIrrigation Cotton App and More
- Soil Testing in Georgia
- The Georgia Agriculture Tax Exemption program (GATE)
- Tobacco Blog Georgia Tobacco Hotline
- Walter The Georgia Gardener
- Warm Springs Regional Fisheries

If you'd like to be added to our email list to make sure you are directly notified of all our agricultural news, please contact us at (912) 739-1292 or by email at

Why do we need corn?
Why do we need corn and what is it used for besides corn bread? Corn is one of the main ingredients used to make livestock feed (cows, poultry, pigs, etc.). Corn is also used in more than 4,000 grocery store items like shampoo, toothpaste, chewing gum, marshmallows, crayons, and paper. In Evans county, there were over 1000 acres of corn planted in crop year 2018. That sounds like a lot of corn, but that is only a drop in the bucket compared the total acres of corn grown in the United States. According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), U.S. farmers planted 91.7 million acres of corn in 2019. That’s about 69 million football fields of corn. To learn more about the many ways that we use corn in our daily lives, check out the attached infographic. To learn more about corn production, visit some of the websites below: