Judging Teams
We offer two competition judging teams in Evans County.
- Cotton Boll & Consumer Judging in the fall
- Poultry Judging in the spring
Georgia 4-H is preparing the next generation of leaders through Evaluation Educational Programs. These experiences are teaching the life skills of teamwork, decision making, critical thinking, and public speaking. Two of the four Essential Elements of 4-H are belonging and mastery. 4-H youth are given the opportunity to exercise mastery of content through the experience. Through learning and mastering content 4-H youth have the opportunity to experience contribution to group effort by being part of a county team. Through educational evaluation programs, Georgia 4-H is contributing to a prepared future workforce.
Poultry Judging
Poultry judging is an evaluation event in which students learn and understand standards used in poultry and egg production and marketing, and to apply the standards in a realistic decision-making situation. This is a competitive judging event where 4-H members will judge classes, complete a test, and present one set of oral reasons. This contest teaches 4-H’ers about the poultry industry including eggs, live birds, ready to cook chicken, and parts of chicken. Poultry Judging also helps youth develop more self-confidence through speaking in front of judges and being part of a team.
This contest is held each year in the spring. Practices will be held after school at the Evans County Extension Office starting near the end of February and continue until the contest in April.


Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging
Cotton is used for clothing, goods, and services to meet the needs and reflect lifestyles of eveyone. Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging gives youth an understanding of the importance cotton plays in Georgia and teaches them to be responsible consumers when purchasing goods and services.
This contest is held each year in the fall. Practices will be held after school at the Evans County Extension Office starting September and continue until the contest in November.