4-H Project Achievement
Clayton County 4-H Project Achievement
What is Project Achievement?
Project Achievement, also known as PA (Project Achievement) or DPA (District Project Achievement), is a public speaking competition for 4th-12th grade 4-H’ers. Project Achievement serves to showcase 4-H’ers work and success. 4-H’ers give an oral presentation related to the topic of interest. 4-H’ers may also compete in oral presentations, performing arts (instruments, vocal, general), and consumer judging.
4-H is a national youth development program offered in Clayton County through the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service. One of the largest activities we offer 4th -12th graders is a public speaking competition called “Project Achievement.” This activity supports the Georgia Department of Education ELA/Reading/Writing academic standards. Throughout the school year, we invite your students to volunteer to present a topic of interest to them.
Presentation Needs:
Written speech: Includes introduction, body topics, and a conclusion
Posters to accompany your speech
Props (depending on the project topic)
4-minute maximum song or dance piece (Performing Arts)
Cooking box and supplies (Foods Lab Demonstrations)
Cloverleaf 4th-6th graders:
Pick a project area
Prepare a speech for speaking projects: 3-5 minutes
Complete posters to accompany speech
1ST, 2ND, 3RD, and 4th place advance to DPA at Rock Eagle 4-H Center
Monthly portfolio workshops will be held at the Extension Office to assist 4-H’ers in completing their portfolios.
Cloverleaf Project Area List (https://georgia4h.org/wp-content/uploads/Cloverleaf-Project-Achievement-list.pdf)
Juniors/Seniors 7th-12th graders:
Pick up a project area
Complete a portfolio (similar to a resume)
Includes leadership, community service, and work in the project area
Monthly portfolio workshops will be held at the Extension Office to assist 4-H’ers in completing the portfolios.
Prepare a speech for speaking projects
7-9 minutes for 7th and 8th graders
10-12 minutes for 9th-12th graders
4 minutes maximum for all performing arts projects.
Junior Project List (https://georgia4h.org/wp-content/uploads/JuniorProjectList.pdf
Senior Project List (https://georgia4h.org/wp-content/uploads/SeniorProjectList.pdf)