UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Soil and Water Testing


Soil Testing

Have you gotten a soil test recently?

Fall is generally the most desirable time to sample because landscapes and gardens are usually dry and easily accessible. The results could make a big impact on your lawn, garden or  wildlife food plots.
Soil testing bag

Learn More!

A $10 soil sample can tell you the type and amount of nutrients that should be added for your lawn, garden and other plants. Pick up a soil sample bag or bring the two cups of soil in a plastic baggie or other clean container to the County Extension Office. Testing may take up to 10-14 days. We will mail or email you the results.


Water Testing

The basic water test is $25.00 and will tell you the pH and hardness of your water, and the metal content for 17 key metals. Bring your first draw in a clean, clear lidded container. Expanded tests are available if you are putting in a water treatment system or need more information. Call (912) 496-2040 for details.

Water Quality Publications

For a complete list of testing services available through the County Extension office, please visit the Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories website.