UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

UGA Extension Office

Testing Services


Soil Analyses

            (S1) Routine (2 cups) – $12.00

            (S3) Boron (2 cups) – $19.00

            (S6) Organic Matter (2 cups) – $16.00

Water Analyses

            (W1) Basic (8oz.) – $27.00

            (W2) Expanded (16oz.) – $70.00

            (W33B) Home Loan Closing (2 bottles/8oz.) - $90.00 -

                         (requires overnight shipping)

                        (W33B) Rush – additional – $55.00

            (W33C) Dept. of Public Health (16oz.) – 

                          Private Well Chemical Test – $130.00

           (W35) Total Coliform/E.coli (must contact agent) - $38

           (8oz. special bottle& (requires overnight shipping) 

            (W44) Radon in Water (must contact agent) – $32.00 

                      (requires overnight shipping)

Feed and Forages Analyses

            (F1) Hay/Silage + NIR +nitrate + Minerals 

                   (gallon Ziplock bag) - $48.00

            (F2) Hay/Silage + NIR +nitrate 

                    (gallon Ziplock bag) - $26.00

            (F2C) Hay Contest 

                      (gallon Ziplock bag) - $20.00

            (F3) Hay/Silage + NIR 

                    (gallon Ziplock bag) - $22.00

Plant Tissue Analysis - (must contact agent)

            (P1) Basic Plant Tissue – $30.00

                        Plant Disease Clinic - (must contact agent)

                                    Nematode Testing – $25.00

Animal Waste – for solids (pint Ziplock bag) 

                              for liquids – (pint plastic bottle)

            (A1) Poultry Litter: Total Minerals + Total Nitrogen 

                    (NIR Technology) – $57.00

Any required overnight shipping is the responsibility of the client. The Union County Extension Office does not  ship any overnight samples.

For any additional testing services contact the Union County Extension Agent Jacob Williams.

Staff Listing