UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

4-H Volunteering

Mitchell County 4-H relies heavily on the help of our county volunteers. We thank you for your interest in learning more about volunteering with Mitchell County 4-H. 

From serving as a chaperone at 4-H summer camp to assisting with setup for one of our county programs, 4-H offers a variety of opportunities for volunteering. We hope you will find your niche with us and share your time and talents with the youth of Mitchell County 4-H. 

Please use the button below to start the volunteer certification process. When completing your application, please make sure to list references who are not relatives and reside outside your home address. Also, please enter a VALID e-mail address for each reference. It’s suggested that you let your references know that an e-mail with the subject line “Mitchell County 4-H Volunteer Reference” will be sent requesting their response to a short questionnaire that is submitted for office staff review. Once you have submitted your online application, you will receive e-mail updates with information regarding the next steps in the process.

Please note that to become a Certified 4-H Volunteer, a Background Check and Motor Vehicle Records Check is required. 

If you do not wish to work directly with youth but want to lend a helping hand to our program, please contact Candace Seabolt for volunteer opportunities.

Begin volunteer certification application

For additional information on volunteering with Mitchell County 4-H, please contact the Mitchell County 4-H Agent, Candace Seabolt. 

Contact Our 4-H Agent, Candace Seabolt