Judging Teams
Livestock Judging Team
(4th - 12th Grades)
The Georgia 4-H Livestock Program offers extraordinary educational opportunities for youth ages 9- 18. 4-Her's involved in the livestock program are challenged with real-life issues as they learn responsibility through raising, showing and judging livestock. Livestock projects give students the opportunity to practice and acquire new knowledge in the fields of animal science, business, time management and leadership.

Cotton Boll & Consumer Judging (CBCJ) (4th - 12th Grades)
Register for the team in September, District Competition takes place in November.
Limited to 20 spots
The Cotton Boll and Consumer Jamboree is a competitive Judging contest where 4-H’ers learn about cotton as an agriculture commodity in our state as well as to promote cotton through commercials or PSA’s (public service announcements). 4-H’ers gain skills in making rational decisions when purchasing goods and services while maximizing resources. The contest is made up of two competition areas: judging classes and PSA’s /commercials. 4-H’ers are required to judge four classes of consumer items or services. Each class contains four similar items and has an accompanying situation statement. This statement describes a consumer and gives the needs to be considered when he/she makes a decision to purchase the item. Factors influencing these needs may include the person’s age, gender, available money, lifestyles, school or job status, preferences or other requirements that depend on the item given and the individual in the situation.
Learning Outcomes: ● Understand the importance of cotton as an agricultural commodity ● Promote cotton in communities ● Make knowledgeable, rational decisions when purchasing goods and services ● Select, use, maintain and dispose of goods and services in ways that maximize resources ● Obtain clothing, goods and services to meet needs and reflect lifestyles, personal values and goals ● Act as responsible consumer-citizen with an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of the consumer, business and government ● Learn to communicate reasons for choices made
Poultry Judging Team (4th - 12th Grades)
Register for the team in March, District Competition takes place in late April.
Limited to 20 spots
Poultry judging is an evaluation event in which students learn and understand standards used in poultry and egg production and marketing, and to apply the standards in a realistic decision-making situation.
During the contest, participants judge both live specimens and market poultry, identify parts of birds already prepared for market, and evaluate eggs as to their quality and readiness for market. For at least one class, typically a live production class, participants are asked to justify their placing decisions through a set of oral reasons.
Participants compare their opinion of an animal against the ideal as specified by industry experts, and learn organizational skills as they compose their thoughts into a cohesive set of reasons justifying their decisions. The skills of decision making, critical thinking, and problem solving are acquired throughout the process.

Wildlife Judging (6th - 12th grade)
Wildlife Judging gives 4-H’ers an appreciation for wildlife and challenges them to manage wildlife habitats and preserve this valuable resource. Competitions are held at the county, district, state, and national levels. 4-H'ers learn wildlife identification, habitat requirements, and how to preserve an area to encourage wildlife growth.
Practice begins in March and the State Contest is in May.
Land Judging (4th - 12th grade)
Georgia 4-H Land Judging is preparing youth to protect and improve the land through leadership training and state competition. This program gives youth an appreciation for soil and the opportunity to learn soil structure, power of erosion, classification, and proper land treatment.
Georgia 4-H Land Judging teaches youth how to evaluate soils and understand the best land uses in a fun, hands-on environment. Land Judging is all about doing! Youth determine soil properties by getting their hands dirty. Students from cities, towns, and rural areas can enjoy and excel in Land Judging. A farm background might be helpful, but it certainly isn’t necessary.
Practice begins in late July or early August and the State Contest is the last Saturday in August

Horse & Hippology (9th - 12th Grades)
Register for the team in March, District Competition takes place in April.
Limited to 20 spots
Each spring, the State 4-H Horse Judging contest is held in Athens, Georgia at the UGA Instructional Arena. This contest is open to 4-H'ers from all over Georgia ages 9-19. County teams of up to twenty members compete against one another.
Contestants judge eight classes, four conformation and four performance classes. In addition, they give 2-4 sets of reasons to justify their placings and explain their decisions. 4-H'ers not only learn the basics of judging and placing horses, they also learn the valuable life skills of decision making, critical thinking, organization, teamwork, competition, public speaking, and self confidence.
Top teams and individuals are recognized, and awards are given. The State Winning Senior Team and the High Individual will be invited to attend the State Winners' Recognition Banquet held at State Congress in July and will be eligible for Master 4-H Status.
The top four members of the first place senior team will be declared the state winning team. This team and the coach will be invited to represent Georgia at the Western National Roundup in Denver, CO. The first and second place senior team will also have the opportunity to compete at the Southern Regional Horse Championships in Perry, GA.