UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

4-H Livestock

livestock banner

Livestock Show Team

Lamb & Goats: Youth Grades 1st - 12th 

Swine: Youth Grades 3rd- 12th 

Other Species: Youth Grades 4th - 12th 

For information on upcoming Livestock shows please see the calendar below.

Registration will be based on the event. To be notified of upcoming events please contact the 4-H office. 

Youth must possess their own equipment and animals to compete in state livestock shows.  


State Livestock Shows

State entry registration must be completed by Extension Staff. Please contact April Edwards (706)367-6344

Ear Tags are ordered and maintained in the Extension Office. Animals must be tagged prior to registration.


2022 - 2023 Show Schedule TBA
