Agriculture & Natural Resources
Agriculture is very important to Calhoun County's economy. The Calhoun County Extension staff offers non-biased, research based information to all its clients. As a member of The University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, our staff has access to the latest research and information to assist you with all of your agricultural questions. Whether you are a home-owner with a lawn question or a cotton producer with 2000 acres, you will receive the most up to date information possible. For more AG information visit our Notchaway AG Updates.
Testing Services
Soil Sampling: Knowing the nutrient levels in your soil is crucial to growing a successful crop. This is true whether you are a back-yard gardener, or a large scale producer. The Calhoun County Extension Service offers soil analysis to determine the nutrient levels in your field or home garden. Extension staff will be happy to help you plan a fertility program based on the crops you wish to grow.
- $6.00 for Commercial Samples + shipping charges
- $6.00 for Non- Commercial Samples + shipping charges
- $6.00 for Consultants/Fertilizers Dealers + shipping charges
Mailing List
In an attempt to keep our growers informed about the latest information and news in the agricultural community, the Calhoun County Extension staff periodically sends out newsletters to specific commodity groups. To be included on our mailing lists, please contact us (229) 849-2685.
Private Pesticide Applicators Certification
If you spray any restricted agricultural chemicals on your land, you must possess a private applicators license. If you do not have a license, you can receive training and take the test at your local extension office. We now have computer software that assists you with your pesticide certification. The user must complete 12 modules and a final exam. Extension personnel will be available to assist you. Pesticide Applicator licensing and Certification information, Georgia Department of Agriculture.
Please call (229) 849-2685 to make an appointment
The Georgia Department of Agriculture is required by O.C.G.A. § 50-36-1 to verify citizenship/immigration status for all public benefits issued. All public benefits are defined in the law as certifications, licenses, registrations, state grant, etc. All new and renewal licenses are required to complete a notarized affidavit and provide one form of acceptable documentation as defined in O.C.G.A. § 50-36-1. The department will implement this change online no later than July 1, 2013. As directed by law, GDA will utilize the Federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security.
Production Meetings
Agriculture is a changing science. Every year, there are new improvements, new technologies and yes, new problems that producers must be concerned with. In an attempt to assist producers, Calhoun County Extension personnel hold annual commodity group production meetings for both cotton and peanut growers. University extension specialists are invited to speak with local producers and to provide current University recommendations.