
UGA Extension in Whitfield County is here to help!
Our programs and services provide reliable, research-based information from the University of Georgia to the Dalton-Whitfield Community. Extension's three main areas are Agricculture & Natural Resources, 4-H Youth Development, and Family And Consumer Science. We offer a multitude of services in each program area. Click below to find out more.
Whitfield County Extension and 4-H Clubs
104 South Thornton Avenue | P.O. Box 1385
Dalton, GA 30720 | 30722
(706) 278-8207
Monday- Friday
8am – 5pm
Closed for lunch :12pm – 1pm
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Diagnostic Services available:
- Soil Testing
- Water Testing
- Insect Identification
- Forage/Hay Testing
- Plant Tissue Diagnostics
- Weed Identification
4-H is a world-wide organization that provides opportunities for youth to suceed. Whitfield County 4-H is here to serve the the Dalton-Whitfield community ina variety of areas through equipping young people to be active leaders. Available programs:
- In-School Programs (4th-12th Grade)
- Project Achievement
- Competition Teams
- Community Service
- Teen Leadership Training Programs
- Local Day Camps & Georgia 4-H Summer Camps
- Local, District, State, Regional, & National Conferences
Family and Consumer Sciences/EFNEP
The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) offer information on how healthy habits can fit your budget. Available programs:
- EFNEP Food Talk Program
- Nutrition
- Food Preparation
- Food Safety
- Food Preservation
Whitfield County, Georgia
Searching for another department/service of Whitfield County?
Whitfield County BOC Website: http://whitfieldcountyga.com