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About Science Behind Our Food

The Science Behind Our Food was a grant funded by the National Science Foundation and administered by the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia.

The grant funded 10 NSF Fellows who were graduate students in the college. The Fellows were each partnered with a high school science teacher. One of the activities supported by this grant was the development of lesson plans for high school science courses. These lessons were developed by the Fellows in collaboration with their partner science teacher. Lessons were designed to take difficult science concepts and apply them to real-life subjects and issues that would be familiar to high school students, thus improving science learning.


Fellows and Teachers

SBOF Fellows, the degree they were pursuing at the time of the grant, and their partner teacher and school:

Vedas Burkeen - PhD, Food Science and Technology
Candice Little - Columbia High School, Decatur, Georgia

Anna Cathey - MS, Environmental Engineering
Lani Pacetti - MS, Animal and Dairy Sciences
Vicki Sherling - Colquitt County High School, Moultrie, Georgia

Juanita Forrester - PhD, Entomology
Chris Shirley - Jackson County High School, Jefferson, Georgia

Jackie Hoffman - PhD, Poultry Science
Leigh Ann Munro - Madison County High School, Danielsville, Georgia

Eva McLanahan - PhD, Toxicology
Stella Guerrero - Cedar Shoals High School, Athens, Georgia

Rodney Nash - PhD, Animal and Dairy Science 
Billy Decker - Oglethorpe County High School, Lexington, Georgia

Emily Duff - MS, Nutrition
Chris Papadopoulos - MS, Crop and Soil Sciences
Jerry McCullough - Morgan County High School, Madison, Georgia

Jeremy Peacock - PhD, Food Science
Danielle Armstrong - Columbia High School, Decatur, Georgia

Amy Rowley - PhD, Food Science
Paul Blais - Cedar Shoals High School, Athens, Georgia

Chris Wildman - PhD, Ruminant Nutrition
Amy Heidt - Tift County High School, Tifton, Georgia



This project was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DGE0229577). The National Science Foundation funds research and education in most fields of science and engineering. Grantees are wholly responsible for conducting their project activities and preparing the results for publication. Thus, the Foundation does not assume responsibility for such findings or their interpretation.

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