UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Webster County Extension obtained a $5,000 grant from Sumter EMC for the establishment of a community garden on a vacant lot owned by Webster County. Throughout the year, the lot was cleared and the posts for the perimeter fence were installed.  A citrus variety trial was planted on the western end of the community garden. This variety trial will be crucial going forward as it will provide information into citrus varietal performance in Webster County. This knowledge is essential as we are encroaching on 100 acres of commercially planted citrus, the most in any county this far north in the state of Georgia. Additionally, the community garden will be an invaluable resource to the citizens of Webster County for not only research but education about agronomy, plant physiology, soil chemistry, and other topics through hands-on activities.  In Webster County, cover crop planting has not traditionally been a widely adopted practice. However, after conducting needs assessment activities and hosting a Cover Crops 101 program, cover crop acreage in Webster County has increased by over 1,000 acres.  

4-H Youth Development

The Webster County 4-H Club had a wonderful year of competition, learning and fun.  Members attended Junior/Senior District Project Achievement events, where they learned research, writing and public speaking skills along with the confidence to stand up in front of a group and deliver a presentation. One Junior 4-H’er competed, placing first in the General Recreation category. Four Senior 4-H’ers competed this year, with one placing third in the Outdoor Recreation project, one placing third in the Photography and Videography category, one placing fourth in the Public Speaking project, and one Senior 4-H’ers winning first place in the category of Flowers, Shrubs and Lawns.  Webster County 4-Her’s participated in summer program county classes including cooking, sewing, and creek ecology.  Webster County 4-H found a need for Community Service this year at Four County Rehabilitation Center in Richland.  Webster County 4-Her’s created decorated pumpkins for Thanksgiving and paper flowers arrangements for Christmas that were given as prizes for weekly Bingo night. The start of school gave a new start to this year's 4-H program.

Download Our Annual Report (pdf)