UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Junior/Senior Project Achievement

  • Tied for 1st in Textiles, Merchandising, and Interiors
    Tied for 1st in Textiles, Merchandising, and Interiors

4-H Project Achievement is a cornerstone in the Georgia 4-H Program. From the first Boys' Corn Club sharing their crop to today's presentations and portfolios on hundreds of topics, Project Achievement serves to showcase 4-H'ers work and success.

If you or your 7th - 12th grader are interested in doing a project, please contact us. The next Junior/Senior Project Achievement will be held in February 2025. We will begin working on portfolios during summer 2024 but will not finalize anything until the beginning of 2025. It's not too late!

Staff Listing