UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Project Achievement

Project Achievement is the cornerstone program of 4-H, and is an event where youth create an individual presentation on a topic of the student’s choice, with over 50+ project categories that can also include sports, hobbies, current and historical events, animals, arts, crafts, science, people, performing arts, machines, places, activities, foods, and many more! We believe it is the very best program we offer in 4-H, as youth learn self-confidence, critical thinking, research, public speaking, and a myriad of other skills, all while learning about something they love. See the video below for more information about Project Achievement.

Project Achievement is offered to all of our K-12th grade youth, with different divisions available for different age groups. Read below to learn more about the divisions and their competitions. Once you register, a 4-H staff member will contact you with project preparation materials and schedule an in-person appointment with you to review project information.

K-3rd Grade Cloverbuds County Project Showcase

Harris Arts Center in Calhoun

Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Register by APRIl 5

K-3rd Grade participate in the Cloverbud division, which is non-competitive, but provides a great opportunity for younger youth to practice their public speaking skills. Presentations are roughly 4-6 minutes long and follow a five paragraph essay format of introduction, three main idea body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

4th-6th Grade Cloverleaf Area Project Achievement

Georgia Highlands College in Rome

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Register by January 31

4th-6th Grade youth compete against others in their grade from across multiple counties in northwest Georgia in categories based on their presentation topic. Presentations are roughly 4-6 minutes long and follow a five paragraph essay format of introduction, three main idea body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

7th-12th Grade Junior/Senior Northwest District Project Achievement

Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton

Friday March 8 - Sunday, March 10, 2024

Portfolios due Monday, January 8

The Junior-Senior District Project Achievement competition is held annually at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. The Gordon County Extension\4-H Office provides transportation and chaperones for the weekend trip. Youth share their presentations, participate in community service projects, attend a dance, engage in fun recreational activities, have a chance to win summer camp scholarships, campaign and vote for District 4-H Officers, recognize graduating seniors with graduation cords, and have a chance to receive an award if they are in the top three of their project categories. It is a busy, fun-filled weekend. Youth are able to meet new friends from counties all across Northwest District and also become closer with other 4-H’ers from their county.

7th-8th Grade youth compete against others in their grade from across 39 counties in Northwest District in categories based on their project topic. Presentations for this age division are roughly 8-10 minutes long.

9th-12th Grade youth compete against all others in high school from across 39 counties in Northwest District in categories based on their project topic. Presentations for this age division are roughly 10-12 minutes long.

In addition, youth in 7th-12th grade must also submit a portfolio in their project category. This portfolio is basically a short resume of the student’s activities over the past year.