UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Summer Camp

Registration is now open for Gordon County youth in grades 4-12 who wish to attend residential summer camp. Camp numbers are limited so it is important that you get your application submitted to join us this summer! The application must be accompanied with a $100 deposit to be registered in the Georgia 4-H system for camp. There will be scholarships available; however, an application and deposit will still be required. Registration is on a first-come, first serve basis. Dates and location of camps are below.

Financial Information
Payment of camp fee can be divided up in to installments; however, the balance due of any  camp must be received by May 23 . Financial assistance is available, on a limited basis. 

Youth must be enrolled in Gordon County Extension/4-H for the 2024-2025 school term; there is no cost for enrollment. 

Emails regarding camp will be sent from Gordon County Extension/4-H. Please check your inbox, junk, spam, etc. on a regular basis for updates once you have applied.

Gordon County Extension/4-H Enrollment

Residential Summer Camp Application

A scholarship application will be emailed to the address provided on the application if 'Yes' is marked that you wish to apply. 

4th-6th Grade

Cloverleaf Camp

  • June 2-6
  • Wahsega 4-H Center in Dahlonega
  • $480

7th-8th Grade

Junior Camp

  • June 9-13
  • Camp Fortson 4-H Center in Hampton
  • $430

Wilderness Challenge Camp

  • June 23-27
  • Wahsega 4-H Center in Dahlonega
  • $430
  • You are responsible for transportation to and from camp

9th-12th Grade

Senior Camp 

  • June 30-July 4   OR   July 7-11
  • Camp Jekyll 4-H Center on Jekyll Island
  • $430
  • You are responsible for transportation to and from camp

Senior Extreme Camp

  • June 9-13
  • Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton
  • $430
  • You are responsible for transportation to and from camp