UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Forestry Judging

Forestry Judging

4-H Forestry Field Day/Forestry Judging

Forestry Field Day (FFD) is a competitive Judging Contest where 4-H'ers learn about one of Georgia's most valuable resources. Participants learn to identify trees, insects, and diseases. They also participate in compass and pacing activities and learn how to complete saw timber volume estimations. FFD provides an opportunity for youth to gain a better appreciation for our local forest resources and how they contribute to our economy and quality of life.


Forestry Field Day Resources are all listed on the Georgia 4-H website in one convenient location covering all areas of the competition.
The resources page has links to the competition guidelines, the Forestry Field Day Manual, score cards, practice quizzes, tutorial videos and more.

Georgia 4-H Forestry Field Day  website

1) Study Guides: GA 4-H Forestry Judging handbook



2) Flash Cards/Slide Show
      (by Paulding County Extension)

This is a wonderful study guide with excellent color pictures and detailed information. Each section is numbered to match the official Georgia field day manual lists.


3)  National Forestry Invitational Training Resources

  • Tree Identification References
    Virginia Tech Dendrology
    (shows picture of leaves, bark, flowers/nuts)
  • List of Insects - flash card format4)  Additional Resources - tree spreadsheet grouped by leaf type
  • List of Diseases - flash card format




4) Additional Resource - spreadsheet by leaf type


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