Newsletters And Forms
The Classic Clover is a monthly newsletter that highlights upcoming 4-H activities and events. These are distributed in 4-H meetings at the schools. Newsletters will also contain details of contests that students can enter. All youth are invited to attend 4-H County Council which meets outside of the school; and highlights additional activities.
4-H Enrollment Form
Medical Release Form: form completed for 4-H member for each activity and event
Code of Conduct: form completed on an annual basis, signed by parent and 4-H'er
Medicine Form: form completed if 4-H member has medication to be taken
Transportation Form Arrival- form completed if 4-H member is be transported by another 4-H'er or family to an event or activity
Change of Membership: completed in situations where 4‐H’ers would like to enroll in 4‐H in a county other than the home county, the request should be made for positive youth development principles and not for competitive advantage.
Forms listed above are in pdf format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.