UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

4-H Youth Development

What is 4-H?

General Information

How to Join 4-H!

4-H Then...

When 4-H Clubs first started in 1905, just about everyone lived on farms. The first clubs were known as Corn Clubs for boys and Tomato Clubs for girls. Boys in the Corn Club would try to grow an acre of the biggest ears of corn. The girls would grow, harvest and can tomatoes from their family’s vegetable garden. Growing corn and canning tomatoes was not a game to these young people, their learning benefitted the entire family.

These pioneer 4-H’ers learned from adults who worked with the corn and tomato clubs. The clubs became known as 4-H Clubs. The adults were County Extension Agents.

4-H Now...

4-H is an educational program teaching leadership, citizenship, public speaking and practical life skills. The goal is to make learning fun! It is the youth phase of UGA Extension.

The 4-H Program is part of the Carroll County and Carrollton City School Systems. There are also 4-H activities outside of school. 4-H is open to all children ages 9-19. 4-H may have begun as Corn and Tomato Clubs, however, today 4-H has evolved to teach computers, recycling, photography, nutrition, violence prevention, teamwork and many other topics relative to Carroll County and Carrollton City youth.

There is no charge to be a 4-H member. Some optional activities may have a small charge.

4-H logo with a circle around it that says I am Geoirgia 4-HWhat Every 4-H’er Should Know

The 4-H Pledge
I pledge:
My Head to Clearer Thinking
My Heart to Greater Loyalty
My Hands to Larger Service, and
My Health to Better Living

For My Club, My Community, My Country and My World.

The 4-H Motto
"To Make the Best Better"

The 4-H Colors
Green and White

The 4-H Slogan
Learn By Doing

The 4-H Emblem
The Four Leaf Clover

4-H is learning by doing . . . and one of the best ways to learn is by doing a demonstration. A demonstration shows how while telling how. 4-H’ers actually make or do something (step by step) and have a finished product to show and tell by talking and using visuals such as charts, drawings, or models.

By doing a demonstration, a child will learn to gather information about a subject, organize ideas, present information visually and feel more at ease in front of a group. County Project Achievement and District Project Achievement provide 4-H’ers the opportunity to do demonstrations on what they have learned. Interested judges evaluate the presentations.

Opportunities for Carroll County 4-H’ers

Team or Individual Competitions. Diverse team and individual learning experiences promote teamwork, develop public speaking skills, enhance decision making abilities and promote subject matter comprehension.

S.A.F.E. Teams

  • BB-4th-9th Grade; Head Coach Lainya Hutchins (contact Practices are held most Mondays and Fridays at the Ag Center (6:30pm) from September through May.
  • Air Rifle (Sporter and Precision) 7th-12 grade; Head Coach Nikki Purvis (contact Practices are held most Mondays and Fridays at the Ag Center (6:30pm) from August through May.
  • Archery (Compound/Recurve) 4th-12th grade; Coach Krystal Zenefski (
  • Modified Trap Shotgun 7th-12th grade: Head Coach Jeff Posey (

Judging Teams

  • Horse Club/Horse Quiz Bowl- Contact Rebekah Claar
  • Forestry and Wildlife Teams- Contact Krystal Zenefski

School Club Meetings

School club meetings can start as early as 4th grade.  Please contact 4-H Staff to find out about 4-H Club Meetings at your school. 

Currently serving these Carroll County Schools:

  • Carrollton Elementary School
  • Carrollton Upper Elementary School
  • Bowdon Elementary
  • Roopville Elementary
  • Ithica Elementary
  • Sandhill Elementary
  • Mt. Zion Elementary
  • Carrollton Junior High
  • Central Middle School
  • Carrollton High School

Project Achievement

  • Georgia 4-H’s elite public speaking contests reaches all ages and teaches the coveted skill of public speaking.  With students being able to choose their topic, it makes this sometimes very scary task fun and rewarding.  Students find out about project achievement during their school club meetings.  This is geared for 4th grade through 11th grade.

Specialty Club Meetings and FUN activities

  • Clover Collective-A once a month meeting at the Ag Center for 4-H’ers of all ages to come and hang out!  This year we will focus on cooking skills along with health and nutrition. Contact 4-H Staff for schedule and Info
  • Horse Club
  • Forestry Team
  • Wildlife Team
  • Summer Camp
  • Summer Activities
  • Community Service and Leadership Opportunities



Kids canoeing at Rock Eagle 4-H campSummer Camps

  • Fortson Fun Day!
  • Cloverleaf 4-H Camp
  • Junior 4-H Camp
  • Junior Rally
  • Senior 4-H Camp
  • Senior Extreme Camp
  • Summer Activities
  • Marine Resource Camp
  • Wilderness Challenge Camp

(we accept Visa and Mastercard)


For more information about Carroll County 4-H Youth Development Programs, contact Rebekah Claar at, Krystal Zenefski at or call (770) 836.8546.

Visit the Georgia 4-H website!