UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

UGA Extension Office

Agriculture & Natural Resources

At UGA Extension - Barrow County, we provide education and information about:

  • Lawns and Gardens
  • Agriculture
  • the Environment


We also provide a number of diagnostic and testing services including:

  • Soil Testing
  • Water Testing
  • Plant, Insect, and Disease Identification


A routine soil test, which will tell you the N,P,K and pH…etc. of a sample costs $11. For other nutrients and compounds that can be tested, as well as their prices, please refer to the fee schedule linked below (water testing prices are also included):

Analysis Types and Prices

UGA Ag & Environmental Services Lab

Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program

The Georgia Master Gardener Program offers many opportunities to make new friends and enhance your horticultural expertise while becoming involved in fulfilling community service activities.

Georgia Master Naturalist

The Georgia Master Naturalist program is an Adult Environmental Education course developed by the UGA Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources and UGA Cooperative Extension for people who wish to be more informed about habitats, natural resources and the natural environments of our state.

Grow it. Know it.

This training is designed for P-12 educators. All subject areas are welcome: agriculture education or art, special education or gifted, 1st grade or 1st period calculus. The only requirement is that you have, or plan to have, a garden at your school, and want to utilize the garden as a teaching tool.

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