About Bacon County Extension
The University of Georgia Bacon County Extension Office extends lifelong learning to Georgia citizens through unbiased, research-based education in agriculture and the environment, as well as youth, families, and communities. We’re located at 203 S. Dixon Street in Alma, Georgia.
The ANR Agent helps homeowners and farmers by giving technical advice for row crops, vegetables, lawns, ornamental plants, and timber. We ship water, soil, e.coli, and plant tissue samples for our clientele. We also assist with pesticide license and GATE cards.
The 4-H Agent works with youth ages 9-19. 4-H Club meetings are held on a monthly basis for 5th and 6th graders in school and 7th through 12th grade at an afterschool club meeting, and we have an active Home School Club that meets each month. Bacon 4-H also has a Saddle Club and a SAFE Shooting Sports BB Team that are led by volunteers. Additional clubs include STEM club and Drama club led by teen leaders monthly.
See more information about our services in:
- Agriculture, gardening, and the environment
- 4-H youth development programs
- Food, health, communities, and families
Have questions or want to know more?