UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Superior research and education are the driving forces of innovation, and no one knows this better than UGA Extension. While there is no Agriculture and Natural Resources agent housed in the Wilkinson County Extension office, surrounding agents can offer local residents information and answers to many of their questions and concerns. They can also provide residents with a broad spectrum of free publications to address agricultural concerns including lawn care, gardening, herbicide and pesticide use, insect control and livestock management. Wilkinson County Extension works in conjunction with Laurens County Extension to provide producers within the county with yearly updates on the issues UGA researchers study and foresee in the topics of cotton, corn and soybean production and pest management.

4-H Youth Development

UGA Extension in Wilkinson County is excited to offer 4-H club meetings and opportunities to youth within the local school system in fourth through 12th grades. The 4-H Club currently offers after-school meetings, giving students the opportunity to develop life skills through hands-on learning experiences. Wilkinson County youth are involved in leadership and public speaking through participation in Project Achievement at the district level. Club members are active in community-service projects throughout Wilkinson County and have summer camping opportunities. Youth in Wilkinson County also have opportunities to participate in programs such as robotics, community service, 4-H Fun Night and the Cooking with the Books program.

Family and Consumer Sciences

Wilkinson County Extension doesn’t currently have a Family and Consumer Sciences agent. The Extension office works with surrounding county agents to provide programs on diabetes, high blood pressure prevention, canning, SafeServ® certification and cancer awareness. The Extension office makes the effort to assist local residents with their questions. Common questions are in regard to food safety, food preservation, mold and mildew management, healthy meal planning, family budgeting and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Download Our Annual Report (pdf)