S.A.F.E. Events
Air Pistol
Longshots Air Pistol Team is currently available to Cloverleafs (9 years of age - 6th grade) The team is currently under the leadership of Coordinator, Mrs.Faye Belflower. 4-H’ers will shoot from the Basic Supported Position and may advance to the Standing Supported Position under a coach’s direction. Regardless of the position, all Cloverleaf age 4-H’ers will compete in the same division.
Fundraisers, donations and parent volunteers support this program. Each child is responsible for the purchase of his/her air pistol. There is a $75.00 registration fee. Air Pistol is a year round sport. Practice shooting is done at least twice during the year in Waycross, GA. Competitions start in April each year at Rock Eagle with counties competing for Championship. Anyone interested in this shooting sport should contact our office at 229-567-3448.
Turner County 4-H offers a Shotgun Team to Juniors and Seniors. Fundraisers and Donations support this team. Practices begin in March with scheduled practices that will be announced at a later date. Competition is in May in Savannah, GA. Each team member is responsible for his/her shotgun. There is a $200.00 registration fee that is needed to cover the cost of shells and fees for events.